How To
How to Recycle Coconut Shells
If you’ve ever enjoyed sweet coconut meat or hydrating coconut water, you’ve probably been left with the dilemma of what to do with the coconut shell. Since it’s such a huge part of the fruit, it can be tough to just throw it out with the trash. If you ha...
Tasty Ways to Cook Vienna Sausage (with Recipe Ideas)
Vienna sausages are inexpensive and super simple to prepare. Best of all, they are canned and have a long shelf-life, so they are a great pantry staple! These little sausages in a can come fully cooked, so you really don’t have to cook them at all if you'...
How to Identify a Potcake Dog
Potcakes are mixed breed dogs originating from the Caribbean Islands.[1] X Research source They can commonly be found near the islands' beaches or wandering the islands as stray dogs, but Potcakes are sometimes rescued by organizations or to...
How to Steam in an Instant Pot
Cooking is a cinch with your Instant Pot! Steaming with an Instant Pot is super easy, and you have a couple options for cooking a delicious meal. Use your steam function to quickly pressure cook vegetables and seafood, which can be raw or frozen.[1] X...
How to Do Wide Pushups
If you’re looking for a straightforward exercise that requires no equipment and works a range of muscle groups, try the humble pushup! A slight variation, the wide pushup, engages your chest and shoulders a bit more and is no more complicated to do. Just...
How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Pinterest
Pinterest is a social media site where you can share images and discover cool new things. Since it is a social media site, you can interact with other users through things like commenting, liking, and following. Along with these features, there is also a...
How to Do Side Leg Raises for a Firm Butt and Stronger Abs
If you're trying to firm up your butt, side leg raises are a great exercise to get you there. Whether from a standing or lying position, these leg raises work your hips and glutes, as well as your lower abdominals. Not only can they help you sculpt your b...
How to Treat Curly Top Virus in Tomatoes
There’s nothing better than the delicious taste and satisfaction of homegrown tomatoes. So it can be really upsetting if you notice that your plants seem to be struggling to thrive. If your tomato plants stop growing and the leaves start to look curly and...
5 Simple Ways to Delete a Post on Instagram
Sometimes, we get trapped in a sticky situation where we post something unintentionally on a huge social media platform like Instagram. Whether it was intentional or not, you do have a chance to delete the post. This wikiHow will teach you how to delete a...
How to Build Powerful Glutes Using a Hip Thrust Machine
When you’re looking for a good exercise to work your glutes and upper legs, hip thrusts are a perfect addition to your workout routine. While you can do them with your body weight or a barbell, using a dedicated hip thrust or glute drive machine keeps you...
How to Get Wrinkles Out of Shoes
Whether they’re your fresh kicks or your fancy dress shoes, having creases and wrinkles in your shoes can really put a damper on your style. Luckily, it’s actually pretty easy to get those pesky wrinkles out of leather and suede. With a little bit of heat...
How to Hide Your LinkedIn Profile
This wikiHow will teach you how to hide your public profile on LinkedIn so it does not appear in search results and make it un-viewable to people without a LinkedIn account.
How to Identify a Border Collie
Border Collies are medium-sized dogs and a popular member of the herding group.[1] X Trustworthy Source American Kennel Club The American Kennel Club (AKC) is a purebred dog pedigree registry in the United States. The AKC advocates for the respons...
How to Grow out a Perm - And Look Good While Doing It
Perms were big in the 80s and then lost their popularity for a few decades, but they’re making a comeback! When you get a perm, chemicals are used to set a specific curl pattern into your locks, which usually lasts for 3-4 months. As your hair grows, you...
HIIT Workouts at Home: Proven Ways to Get Fit Fast
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a popular workout style where you alternate periods of vigorous exercise with short breaks. Unlike more specific workouts, like Tabata, HIIT offers a lot of freedom and versatility, depending on fitness level.[1]...