When Anand Mahindra Trusted Homegrown Technology For His Daughter's Surgery
When Anand Mahindra Trusted Homegrown Technology For His Daughter's Surgery
Anand Mahindra visited a surgeon from Mumbai, who finally opeared his daughter's hand injury successfully.

India has witnessed significant advancement in healthcare over the last few years. With modern technologies like robotic surgery and artificial intelligence taking over the medical sector, the change is quite evident not only in private nursing homes but also in government hospitals. Despite the progress, there are many citizens who are yet to show trust in Indian doctors. They still believe only foreign hospitals can provide them with top-quality healthcare services. Industrialist Anand Mahindra might have the same notion but it was proven wrong when a Mumbai-based physician helped his daughter recover from a hand injury.

Anand Mahindra was one of the dignitaries to attend the fourth Atal Bihari Vajpayee Memorial Lecture. During his speech at the event, Mahindra recalled a turbulent phase of his life when his daughter sustained a hand injury.

As the wound was in a sensitive area, it required microsurgery. Mahindra, who has a business network in almost every part of the world, took her daughter to Paris and London, seeking medical attention from specialist surgeons.

All of his efforts, however, went in vain. That’s when Anand Mahindra visited a surgeon from Mumbai named Dr Joshi, who finally managed to operate on the hand injury of his daughter. “After the surgery, he stitched into my daughter’s tiny fingernail a simple metal eyehook of the kind you’ll find in a blouse. The total cost of that device is two rupees.” the billionaire said.

The eyehook got the job done as it helped Mahindra’s daughter to move her fingers following the microsurgery. “A decade later, my daughter was playing the piano with the same hand,” Mahindra added. A clip of his speech was shared on X by another business tycoon, RPG Group chairperson Harsh Goenka with the caption, “A lovely story from my friend, Anand Mahindra.”

In the video, the Mahindra CEO was heard saying, “I have told and retold this story because it taught me one powerful lesson: always look for solutions in your backyard before you think that the best solution lies overseas. Well, I’m certain there after that, when it came to making big decisions and big bets in business that were based on homegrown technology, I never again lacked the courage to do so.”

Many internet users have found the revelation quite inspiring. One of them commented, “Think globally and Bet locally. Wise words indeed.”

One viewer got goosebumps after listening to the words from Anand Mahindra. “Believe in India,” the person noted.

“Lovely story and important life lesson,” acknowledged a user.

Since being dropped on the microblogging site by Harsh Goenka, the video has received more than 1,70,000 views while garnering over 3000 likes.

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