I Will Stay Here With You All: Sasikala to MLAs at Resort
I Will Stay Here With You All: Sasikala to MLAs at Resort
The day of reckoning is here. The Supreme Court is all set to deliver the verdict in the disproportionate asset (DA) case involving Jayalalithaa and others, in which Sasikala is accused number two, on Tuesday morning at 10:30 AM.

Chennai: The day of reckoning is here. The Supreme Court is all set to deliver the verdict in the disproportionate asset (DA) case involving Jayalalithaa and others, in which Sasikala is accused number two, on Tuesday morning at 10:30 AM.

On Monday, as Sasikala was again driven to Golden Bay resort in Kuvathur - 80 kms from Chennai - to meet the party MLAs for the third time in as many days, news came in that the DA case against her will be taken up by the apex court on Tuesday.

Upon reaching the resort, an emotional Sasikala prepped the MLAs for the fight ahead, and in a sign of solidarity said: "I will stay here with you all."

She then launched into her speech taking down O Panneerselvam, who raised a banner of revolt saying he was forced to resign two days after Sasikala was elected AIADMK's state Legislature Party Leader on February 5.

"Panneerselvam's camp is saying I have confined you all to a resort, are you cattle to be locked up? We are a family," said Sasikala, scotching rumours that MLAs were held captive.

Sasikala also alleged that the Panneerselvam camp was threatening the MLAs.

"MLAs are being threatened that their children will be taken away. MLAs are being asked to switch over and women are being threatened," said Sasikala to the waiting press at the resort.

She promised the assembled MLAs to build a towering Amma memorial.

Speaking to MLAs, Sasikala recounted how when she was on her way to the resort a chance encounter with a family touched her.

"When I was coming here(resort),people called me to a hut and I went there; I saw Amma's photo there, they were worshipping her," said Sasikala.

Sasikala urged MLAs to stay united in this hour of crisis as the party is likely to bounce back as it did when MGR died.

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