Every year on November 9, Microtia Awareness Day is marked to raise awareness of this congenital impairment. The Latin word for “small ears" is whence Microtia gets its name. Microtia affects about one out of every 9,000 newborns. It happens when the ear or ears do not fully develop during the first trimester of pregnancy; as a result, the kid is born without any ears or with ears that are small or undeveloped. Although microtia is identified at birth, the cause of the condition is not fully understood. Microtia can cause social neglect, facial difficulties, and hearing impairments in newborns.
Aural Atresia, which results in hearing loss because the ear canals are undeveloped or absent, frequently follows microtia. Microtia, which is Latin for “small ear," is made up of the words micro and otia. Atresia frequently coexists with microtia. The absence or closure of the external auditory ear canal is referred to as atresia (also known as aural atresia). The stenosis, also known as canal stenosis, of the ear canal may be impacted in addition to the deformity of the middle ear bones (incus, stapes, and malleus). The Latin word for atresia means absence of an opening.
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The goal of National Microtia Awareness Day is to raise awareness about Microtia and Atresia in the general population. As the mother of a child with Microtia and Atresia, the Day’s creator hopes that by establishing this day, families of newborns with Microtia and Atresia would leave the hospital with more answers than questions and their dreams for their children intact. More people will be polite and accepting if they are made aware of Microtia and Atresia. The day when people with this condition know they are not alone and have a whole network of support behind them is another aim.
Dr. Ashish Bhumkar, is the only specialist in India skilled in the procedures needed for both ear reconstruction for aesthetic purposes and hearing restoration. He is the founder of the Bhumkar ENT & Microtia Hospital in Thane, Maharashtra. On the occasion of Microtia Awareness Day, he gave us the vital information to help spread the word about this condition:
- Today, every youngster in Microtia and Atreisa can obtain an ear that is both beautiful and so well for hearing.
- Thanks to modern scientific and medical innovation, every child with microtia and atresia can now be guaranteed proper hearing ability and a healthy ear.
- You won’t need to cover your ears with that lengthy hair any longer. Our beloved Mr. A P J Abdul Kalam had to wear that specific hairdo to cover his malformed ear, which the internet community constantly referred to as a small one.
- The key fact is that any child born with this imparity can have ears that look good and function normally, including hearing.
Microtia and atresia more frequently affect the right ear and are more frequent in men. Asymmetry of the face caused by Microtia and Atresia is known as Craniofacial Microsomia. People with Microtia and Atresia typically experience some degree of hearing loss as children and adults. A bone conduction hearing aid is a type of hearing aid that can be worn by both children and adults with aural atresia (hearing loss) (also know as a Baha, BAHS, or BAI). Since there is typically no ear to wear a hearing aid on, a bone conduction hearing aid can either be implanted or worn on a soft headband.
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