Can Women With Regular Periods Also Have PCOS? Expert Weighs In
Can Women With Regular Periods Also Have PCOS? Expert Weighs In
For an accurate diagnosis and successful treatment, it is crucial to comprehend the symptoms of PCOS, particularly in women who have regular periods.

When a woman is still of reproductive age, she may develop PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Elevated androgen levels, ovarian cysts, acne, excessive hair growth, weight gain, and problems with fertility can all be symptoms of this hormonal condition. Additionally, it may result in irregular periods, which are rather typical among PCOS-affected individuals.

Period irregularities, nevertheless, might not always indicate PCOS. It can be difficult to identify PCOS in women who have regular periods. But does this suggest that having PCOS and a normal menstrual cycle is beneficial to fertility? Read more to find out.

What exactly is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which a woman’s ovaries produce an inordinate amount of androgens, male sex hormones found in modest amounts in women. “The word ‘polycystic’ refers to the appearance of the ovaries on ultrasound, often, but not always, enlarged and containing multiple small follicles. These are immature follicles that have not matured,” says gynaecologist Dr Jyoti Bali quoted by HealthShots. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), approximately 8 to 13 per cent of women in the reproductive stage worldwide suffer from PCOS.

The actual cause of PCOS is unknown, although it may be related to the following factors:

Imbalanced hormones: When androgen levels rise, they can disrupt the normal function of the ovaries. This can result in irregular or no ovulation.

Insulin resistance: Many women with PCOS have insulin resistance, which means their bodies have difficulty utilising insulin effectively, resulting in increased insulin levels.

Genetics: PCOS runs in families, indicating a hereditary component. So, if your mother, sister, or a family member has PCOS, your chances of having it are increased.

Can you have PCOS while still having regular periods?

It may surprise you, but not all women with PCOS have irregular periods. According to a study published in the Fertility and Sterility journal, around 74 per cent of women with high androgen levels experienced normal menstruation despite being diagnosed with PCOS. Another study published in the journal Human Reproduction discovered that patients with PCOS aged 30 and up developed regular menstrual periods as they aged. Furthermore, some women with PCOS have normal menstrual periods since the condition manifests differently in each individual.

How can you detect PCOS if you have regular periods?

Doctors generally seek for other PCOS symptoms, such as –

Elevated androgen levels can be detected through blood testing or physical signs such as hirsutism (excessive hair growth), acne, or hair thinning.

Ovarian ultrasonography can assist in determining whether there are numerous tiny follicles in the ovaries.

Insulin Resistance

Weight gain and difficulties in decreasing weight.

How does one manage PCOS?

– A well-balanced diet that includes whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats will aid with weight management and insulin levels.

– Birth control tablets not only prevent unplanned pregnancy, but they help regulate menstrual periods and lower androgen levels. Metformin may also benefit ladies suffering from PCOS. According to a study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology, persons with PCOS can take metformin to lose weight and improve insulin function.

– Even if you take your medications, eat well, and exercise regularly, you should get frequent check-ups. Monitoring symptoms and hormone levels is critical for successful PCOS management.

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