Stressed out? Take a tip from Shilpa Shetty
Stressed out? Take a tip from Shilpa Shetty
Eat, drink, party and stay fit. Here's how.

The party and wedding season is here, and pretty soon (if not already) you will be attending lots of social dos. Side by side, also, think diet and detox. Here's what you can do to lose the excess flab, fight stress and stay mentally and physically healthy.

Don’t worry, be happy

To begin with, don’t look at the weighing scale with obsession. According to nutritionist Sushila Sharangdhar, even if you have gone the whole hog during the festival, you are not likely to gain more than one or two kilogrammes.

Take a few dietary precautions and you can shed off those pounds. "You can include fibre-rich foods and anti-oxidants such as leafy vegetables, foods with Vitamin A and Vitamin such as citrus fruits, to battle the bulge," advises Sushila.

Think H2O

Shikha Ahuja, 33-year old cabin crew member for a popular airline swears by the magical 'water therapy'. She confesses, "Diwali makes your eating go ballistic, which in turn affects your skin too. Drinking lots of water helps to keep your skin radiant and glowing."

Water helps to flush out toxins from your body. Besides, a glass of water every hour will also help to make your stomach partially full, thus helping you reduce your food intake.


Eat often, but eat little

Television actor Shweta Keswani’s ideal diet plan comprises five to six small healthy portions a day, with lots of salads and fresh veggies. Long breaks between meals leads to a drop in blood sugar levels and increases the level of cortisol (a stress hormone), which is linked to the storage of body fat around the abdomen.

A lower blood sugar helps

The rate at which food is broken down into sugar and absorbed into the blood stream is called the Glycemic Index (GI). A lower GI ensures a slower raise in blood sugar from that food. Sushila suggests you can include proteins (sprouts, dals, eggs, fish etc.) in your diet to keep the GI intact.

Do things you love

Put your tennis shoes on. Dust off your old bicycle. Pull out your swimming trunks. What could be more fun than enjoying what you do and in the bargain, looking great too! Shweta loves to dance and thinks its one of the best ways to remain fit.


Remember the two ‘W’s — walk and workout

If you do not find time to hit the gym

, do some brisk walking everyday. An after-meal walk, taking the stairs instead of the lift, an outdoor activity such as playing with your kid on the beach, can do wonders to counteract those calories.

Simple bending and stretching exercises for as little as 20 minutes a day, helps to keep your metabolism going. If you are more enthusiastic, get a proper workout at the gym, like actor Salil Ankola, who follows a strict 6-day gym regime.

Fitness expert and nutritionist Vandana Talwalkar says, "You can alternate between cardio exercises and weight training to burn fat." You can even join a group kickboxing or a spinning class along with your friends she suggests. It’s a fun way to say good-bye to those calories. Vandana stresses that a warm up is essential before you begin any form of gym exercise.

Yoga, the new age fitness mantra

Shilpa Shetty loves to gorge on mithais during Diwali. This svelte and sexy actor gives a lot of credit to yoga, apart from a strict fitness regime, to keep her body toned. Yoga helps you to achieve a fine balance between your mind, body and soul.

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