What Does It Mean?
The number has been disconnected. It could be that the recipient you are trying to reach has changed their number or disconnected their phone service. They are no longer reachable at the number you are trying to contact them at. Generally when you hear the message "This number is no longer in service," it means the number has not been assigned to anybody. The exact wording of the message may vary depending on the which telephone carrier you are using. The most common message is "We're sorry; you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again."
Phone service has been interrupted. It could also mean that the phone service of the recipient you are trying to call has been temporarily interrupted. Maybe they didn't pay their phone bill and their service was disconnected. It could also be the phone line is temporarily down due to weather or maintenance.
You dialed the wrong number. Most often when you hear the message "This number is no longer in service" it usually means you dialed the number wrong. You may have entered a wrong digit or the wrong area code. You may have saved the contact on your device incorrectly.
The number doesn't allow calls from your area. If you are calling a toll-free number, the number may be set up to only accept calls from specific area codes. If you are not in the area, your call may not be allowed to go through.
The number is fake. Sometimes scammers and spammers will use spoofing technology to conceal their actual phone number. When they call, your caller ID will display a number that is not theirs. Then when you call the number back, you hear an error message informing you that the message is not in service.
The message could be fake. In some cases, if the person you are calling doesn't want to be contacted (or doesn't want you to contact them), they may use an app or fake the message themselves to make you think the number you are calling is no longer valid.
What To Do?
Check the number. The first thing you should do when this error message is to check to make sure you're dialing the correct number. Make sure the number is saved to your device correctly. Make sure you are entering the correct area code. Try dialing the number with a "1" (or correct international country code) in the number. Try looking up their number online or in a phone book to make sure you have the correct number.
Contact the person through another means. If you can't contact the person via the phone, try another means of contacting them. If you see them in person, ask them to clarify their phone number. You can also try contacting them through email, social media, or a direct messaging app. You will not be able to send a text message to a number that is no longer in service or disconnected.
Try again another day. If the number has been temporarily disconnected, try contacting them on a different day. Maybe they need to pay their bill or their service is down due to weather or maintenance.
Contact your phone carrier. If you know the phone carrier of the person you are trying to contact, you could contact their phone carrier. The phone company can find out if the number is still active or not. However, they may not be able to tell you this information due to privacy concerns. At the very least, you may be able to find out if there is an outage or if the phone service is temporarily down.
Restart your device. If you are experiencing problems with your cellular connection, restarting your device may fix connection issues as well as any bugs in your device software. Power your smartphone off and then power it back on.
Remove and reinsert the SIM card. Another way you may be able to fix any connection issues is to remove the SIM card and reinsert it. To do so, power off your smartphone and use a paper
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