What Does “HB” Mean Online and over Text?
What Does “HB” Mean Online and over Text?
You know and love common texting slang like “hbd” and “hbu,” but plain “hb” is a new one…what could it mean? This versatile little acronym is easy to guess in some scenarios, but elusive in others. The good news is that we’re here to help! In this article, we’ll show you all of the most common meanings of “hb,” plus walk you through how to reply to it and where you’re most likely to encounter it. We’re excited to jump in, hb you?
Things You Should Know
  • “Hb” can mean “heartbroken” when someone describes their feelings over text or on social media sites like TikTok and Snapchat.
  • “Hb” can also mean “homeboy” or “hot babe” when it’s used to refer to other people.
  • Other common meanings include “how ‘bout,” “happy birthday,” and “hurry back.”

“Hb” Meanings

“Heartbroken” If someone is texting or posting about a recent breakup, loss, or other sad circumstance and uses “hb,” chances are it’s shorthand for “heartbroken.” The sender could be talking about how they’re feeling or describing what someone else is going through. “Nick and I broke up last night, I’m hb ????” “Jessica had to put her dog down today, I’m sure she’s hb about it”

“Homeboy” If someone’s casually referring to a male friend, “hb” could mean “homeboy.” A homeboy is a guy from someone’s peer or social group, or from their town, neighborhood, or social background in a broader sense. “Hb” can replace words like pal, buddy, or friend. You may also see “hg” (which means “homegirl”), too. “Hey, is it cool if my hb Drew comes to the party tonight?” “Tell your hb to stop hitting on my friend!”

“Hot babe” “Hb” could mean “hot babe” when 2 or more people are texting about someone they find very attractive. This meaning is most likely to pop up in a conversation among guys about a girl, but “babe” is considered gender neutral and can be used by and about anyone! “You went on a date with Jenna!? She’s a hb!” “I’ll be your wingman tonight. Let’s set you up with a hb!”

“How about” When “hb” is part of a question, it means “how about” or “how ‘bout.” This is similar to the more common “hbu” (“how about you?”), but gives the asker more flexibility with what they can ask about. Instead of just “you,” the sender can use “hb” to ask questions about pretty much anything. “hb sushi for dinner tonight?” “My final project is coming along OK, hb yours?”

“Happy birthday” “Hb” makes for a super quick, casual “happy birthday” text with an acquaintance you’re not super close with (your best friend might expect a slightly longer message!). It’s also great for group chats where everyone might be firing off “happy birthday” texts all at once. “Hb” is less common than “hbd,” which also means “happy birthday.” “hb Claire! ????” “HB TO THE ONE AND ONLY MICHAEL!!!”

“Hurry back” When someone replies with “hb” after another person says they’re traveling or going somewhere, it probably means “hurry back.” This meaning is a bit older than some of the other meanings for “hb” and is mostly seen in text conversations rather than online or on social media. “I’m gonna miss you while you’re gone! hb!” “hb or you’ll miss the bus!”

Replying to “Hb”

Be sympathetic or send a comforting text if someone’s heartbroken. If someone comes to you about their heartache (whether it’s due to romance, loss, or something else), they’re probably looking for support from you. Let them vent or open up about their feelings, reassure them that their negative feelings are temporary, offer advice or a favor, or try to cheer them up with humor, memes, or silly videos. Them: “I’ve been hb ever since we broke up”You: “I’m so sorry to hear that. Take all the time you need to feel better!” Them: “The kids have been hb ever since their grandpa passed ????”You: “Aw ???? What if I take them out for a beach day when I’m in town next week?”

Say hello when someone greets you as their homeboy. If you’re the “hb,” just say “hey!” Treat “hb” like your name and respond however you normally would when someone says hello or asks you what’s up. If “hb” refers to someone else and you’re not sure who, just ask the sender to clarify. Them: “‘Sup hb?”You: “Hey! I’m about to leave for class, what’s up?” Them: “My hb said you got in a fight with Greg yesterday.”You: “Who’s your hb? That’s not totally true.”

Chime in if you agree someone’s a hot babe, but keep it respectful. It’s fine to talk about how attractive you think someone is among friends, but try to only text things that you’d be OK with that person potentially seeing or hearing about. You never know who could accidentally glance at your phone screen (or worse, where a rogue screenshot of your conversation could end up!). Them: “Gina is hb #1 to me”You: “Agreed, she’s soooo hot ????” Them: “Any hbs in your life right now?”You: “Yeah, I’m seeing this one girl. She’s gorgeous”

Answer someone’s question if they ask you “hb” something. An “hb” question usually asks for your opinion (“how about this?”), so try to give a little more detail than just a “yes” or “no” answer. Explain what you do or don’t like about what the person suggested, or offer an alternative if you have one. Them: “Hb we order pizza when everyone gets here?”You: “Sure, that works well since I’m not sure exactly how many people are coming.” Them: “We need another player for our kickball team. Hb John?”You: “Hm, I’m not sure he’d have time since he’s so busy. What about Anna?”

Say thanks when you receive an enthusiastic “hb” text on your birthday. React the same way you would if someone told you “happy birthday” in person. A quick “thank you” or “I love you guys!” is all you need! Them: “HB!!! ????”You: “omg thank you!!” Them: “hb! I hope you have a great day!”You: “Thanks, appreciate it! You too!”

Mention how long you'll take to return if someone says to hurry back. Give a real estimation if someone needs to know how fast you’ll be back from somewhere for logistical reasons (like if you need to hurry back for a meal or to make a deadline). If someone tells you to hurry back in a flirty or joking way, feel free to flirt back with a sweet or funny, made up answer. Them: “hb from work so we don’t miss our reservation!”You: “Will do! I should be home by 6pm” Them: “I get so bored when you’re gone…hb please ????”You: “For you? I’ll be back in a flash ????”

Where is “Hb” used?

“Hb” shows up in texts and on social media apps like TikTok. Casual slang abbreviations like “hb” are common on all social media sites. Chances are that most users will recognize at least one meaning of “hb” on apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, WhatsApp, or in text messages. “Hb” is super informal, so it probably won’t show up in any professional setting unless there’s a more niche, industry meaning behind it. The “hot babe,” “hurry back,” and “how ‘bout” meanings of “hb” will probably show up more often in text or DM conversations rather than public posts or comments.

Less Common Meanings

“Hb” is an abbreviation for hemoglobin in the medical field. Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells that delivers oxygen to your muscles and organs and carries carbon dioxide back to your lungs to exhale. Unless you text with doctors a lot, you probably won’t come across this meaning very often! Some other less common meanings include: House bill (government and legislation) Half bath (real estate and apartment listings) Hepatitis B (medicine)

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