How to Fish for Squid
How to Fish for Squid
Fishing is a fun way to get outside and interact with nature, and squid fishing can be a real joy for novice and experienced fishermen alike. It can present a challenge, though, as squid like to hide out in grassy areas and also squirt ink when they feel threatened. But by finding the proper gear, choosing the right time and place, and learning a few expert tips to perfect your technique, you’ll be catching loads of squid in no time.

Finding the Right Gear

Choose a light, long fishing reel. Because you want to feel even the slightest changes while you’re fishing for squid, choose a light, long rod. You can use anything from a six to 20-pound line, but the lighter, the better. You really don’t have to invest in special equipment -- almost any type of rod and reel will work for squid fishing.

Try a squid jig for bait. Squids have special eating techniques, which means they need special bait, too. A squid jig is the most popular type of bait. It has a body that looks like a fish, is illuminated to catch their attention, and has one or two rows of sharp points that allow them to be reeled in when they bite. All types of squid jigs will catch fish, and on some days certain colors will do better than others. It’s best to have a variety of sizes and colors to test until you find one that works. Popular sizes for squid jigs are 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5. The number indicates how quickly they will drop through the water per second.

Use live bait. Less common than a squid jig but also successful is live bait. If you’d rather not invest in a squid jig or just prefer live swimmers, fish for squid using smaller squid, or with other common bait fish, like minnows.

Choosing the Right Time and Place

Fish at night. Squid fishing is mostly a nocturnal activity. Squid feed at night and are attracted to light, so it’s easiest to catch them after dark.

Go at high tide. Fish like to be in deeper water, where they feel more protected. That means if there’s a high tide, your chances of catching a lot of squid are even higher. Look at the calendar to find out when the tide is in and prepare to catch scores of squid! Chances are even better at high tide on a cloudy or rainy evening. Try to fish for squid when there's a full moon if you can.

Fish in the spring or summer. You are most likely to catch a lot of squid when it’s warm, so spring and summer to even early autumn are ideal times to go in most parts of the world. Check online to find out the specifics for squid fishing in your area.

Find a jetty or pier. You don’t need a boat to fish for squid. Squid like to hide from predators in weeds, and the combination of grass and light at an illuminated jetty or pier makes it the perfect location for squid fishing. Seeing ink spots on decks or jetties is a big clue that squid have recently been caught there recently. Stay away from places where boats or other fishermen are already hanging out. You can also search online to find popular locations in your area for catching squid.

Fish from a boat. If there’s no jetty nearby or if you simply prefer to be out on a boat, you can still have a lot of luck. Place lights on the bottom or sides of your boat or canoe. Or if you have a larger boat, you can use an underwater light, sinking it to the bottom and then bringing it back up to attract the fish. Choose a location over a weedy and sandy bottom.

Perfecting Your Technique

Go egging. Tie your squid jig or bait onto your leader. Cast it out and let it sink to the depth that you think the squid may be hanging out. Jerk your line up two or three times, then let it sink back down again. Repeat until you reach the top. The most important thing is to keep the jig moving constantly in the water. Varying the sink time -- from long to shorter and in between -- will help you figure out where the squid are hanging out in the water. While not totally necessary, using a specialized squid rod will help you feel if the jig is brushing the seaweed or bottom.

Use a float. Tie your squid jig or bait to a float, which will let it hang at the depth where you think the squid are in the water. You will need to try several different depths to find the squid. It’s a good method for shallow waters, because you don’t have to worry about your jig or bait getting caught at the bottom.

Try a ledger rig. A ledger rig is a series of hooks hanging off a single rig.Tie two squid lures from the main line of a rig that is attached to a small sinker, which will help it reach the desired depth. A ledger rig is good for fishing off a jetty/pier, because you can let it sit while you go egging with another jig.

Change up your jig or bait. No matter which technique you use, if you’re not having much luck, try switching up the lure’s weight, size, or color and see which factor makes the biggest difference. If you use live bait, see if using another type of fish will work better. Alternately, you may want to switch to a jig if you’re really not having any luck.

Catching the Squid

Use a net to avoid ink. Squid have a unique defense mechanism: dark black ink that they shoot to scare away potential threats (like enthusiastic fishermen). Be prepared for your catch to squirt the dark stuff as you reel it in. Using a net to pull in the squid will help you watch out for ink. Wait until it’s finished shooting ink before you bring it onto your boat. If you do get ink on your clothes, hands, or boat, don’t stress. It is water soluble and will wash out if you act before it dries.

Put it in a bucket. Bring along a bucket or other container that’s big enough for the squid. Fill it with a little water and place your squid inside. That way, if any ink is left over, it’ll stay in the container and not all over your boat. If the squid still looks fat or puffy when you bring it onto your boat, it’s likely still got some ink left.

Watch out for bites. In addition to shooting ink, squid also have a parrot-like beak that they use to kill their food and bite at potential threats. Don’t let your fingers linger too long near the squid after you’ve caught it.

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