In the Trans Yamuna area of Agra city, an Indian Cobra and a two-headed snake fought for three hours. This strange battle between the two reptiles caught the attention of the onlookers who quickly made a video and made it viral. In the fight, the two-headed snake and the cobra continued to strike each other while the onlookers began enjoying the fight.
The Indian Cobra and the two-headed snake began fighting and the video begins with them coiled up and entangled with each other. It is not clear which of the reptiles won. But the onlookers fearlessly stayed around the snakes to capture the video of the unique incident. As per the reports, the fight lasted for about three hours with only one emerging as the winner.
Wildlife experts believe that a fight between these particular snakes is very uncommon. As per them, the two-headed snake can completely destroy its prey. And this stands true for this particular circumstance as well. The two-headed snake coiled itself around the cobra and stayed like that.
Generally, the two-headed snakes are found in the desert areas of Iran, Pakistan and India. These reptiles are also known as Johnny Sand Boa, Red Sand Boa and Brown Sand Boa. They are referred to as ‘“two-headed” snakes since their tails are round and look like a snake head. These snakes are in great demand across the globe. Under the Wildlife Protection Act of India, 1972, these snakes have been declared rare. These protected species cannot be kept at home. While they are not venomous by nature, they can be quite aggressive.
As per the World Wide Fund (WWF) India, Red Sand Boas are easy to collect and smuggle. The prices are determined as per their weight. These snakes are also rented out. The demand is so high that there have been reports of these reptiles getting stolen from the zoos. These snakes are illegally traded due to the superstitious beliefs of people. While some think that this species of boa can bring good luck to keepers, others believe that the two-headed snake has rare elements that can be expensive and have supernatural powers.
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