A healthy lifestyle doesn’t only include physical workout sessions, a calculated diet also forms an integral part of it. But maintaining a healthy diet isn’t an easy task. Cheat meals, cheat days, and food cravings are some of the factors that can make you sidetracked from your goal. Following a healthy diet regime requires ample discipline, to help you keep up with it nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary recently took to social media to share a series of simple tips. According to her, following and normalizing the five healthy habits mentioned below can make a massive difference to your healthy lifestyle.
Carry your own snack:
When following a healthy lifestyle, it is utterly necessary to give utmost importance to one’s diet. Avoiding a full meal during snack time can be easily done when your carry your own healthy snack. So, when your friends are eating heavy meals, you can keep it healthy by enjoying the carried snack that will also keep you off the big meal without feeling deprived. Controlling oneself can be difficult at such times but being disciplined about your diet will only work wonders for you.
Be Honest:
Just saying you’re ona diet is not enough. Maybe you’re trying to lose weight or eating clean for endo, staying honest with one’s diet is extremely necessary and healthy as well. So, next time when you’re tempted to just hogs a few fries or grab a burger, you must refrain from giving in to unhealthy urges.
Monitor coffee consumption:
According to the expert, coffee is not completely unhealthy. She stated, “Use 2 cups of Black coffee a day to curb your appetite naturally! 250 mg of caffeine is also great for your heart and is loaded with antioxidants. If you feel jittery or anxious, obviously don’t have it. Don’t have your first cup first thing in the morning."
Modify meals at restaurants:
Food cravings sometimes become difficult to resist. At times like this, modifying meals at restaurants comes to the rescue. Ordering extra veggies or reducing the amount of oil and butter can help to stay on track.
Eating early dinners:
The expert suggests eating early dinner is a game changer. “Even if you can’t do this daily.. that’s ok.. let’s do it 3-4 times a week. You won’t stimulate your cortisol, you’ll help melatonin production and you’ll sleep better," she explained.
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