DU Okays New Promotion Guidelines Amid Protests by Teachers
DU Okays New Promotion Guidelines Amid Protests by Teachers
The new guidelines for Delhi University teachers' promotions were opposed by different teachers groups’ and independent activists

The academic council of Delhi University unanimously passed new regulations for the promotion of teachers in its departments and centres with some modifications on Thursday. “The promotion guidelines for teachers of departments/centres of the University of Delhi were accepted with some modifications,” an official said.

The new guidelines for promotions were opposed by different teachers groups’ and independent activists. The council meeting was stalled briefly when it started amid protest by the teachers’ representatives over the proposed rules for promotions of department teachers.

The meeting was adjourned by Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh as some representatives jumped to the well of the hall during the Zero Hour to register their protest against the change in the rules. Under the proposed rules, to be eligible for promotion to different levels of assistant professorship, the application must have a specified minimum number of publication in the Scopus Index journal. The new rule also mandates publication in UGC care listed journal.

This criteria mandate was not included in the UGC 2018 regulations for promotions of university teachers. The Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) opposed the proposal saying it is discriminatory for those joining after July 1, 2024.

“The proposed changes create a discrimination between those teachers who are promoted according to the UGC regulations as those who will be eligible for the new regulations after 1.7.2024,” the teachers’ body said in a statement. Members of the Left-affiliated Democratic Teachers’ Front (DTF) submitted a dissent note over the changes in the promotion rules condemning its passing in the meeting.

The AC members also raised issues related to displacement of ad-hoc teachers, delay in releasing salary of teachers and pension of retired teachers, granting of maternity leave to ad-hoc employees, among other concerns.

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