Ranbir Kapoor Opens Up About His Split with Katrina Kaif, Calls Her an Influential Entity of His Life
Ranbir Kapoor Opens Up About His Split with Katrina Kaif, Calls Her an Influential Entity of His Life
Here are some excerpts from the interview.

In an interview with CNN News18's Rajeev Masand, Ranbir Kapoor opened up about every aspect of his life; from his public breakup with Katrina Kaif to his past failures at the Box Office. He also spoke about his insecurities as an actor and his plans to reinvent himself.

Here are some excerpts from the interview:

On his current frame of mind

There has been a huge change in my life. I'm in that phase where I've to change; my films have to change, tricks in my magic bag and I’ve to go back to being nobody. And there’s an absolute bliss in that. That star that I was meant to be and didn’t become, search is for that. Whatever has happened in my life in the past couple of years, it is only instrumental in making me the person I'm going to become in the upcoming films. I'm going through a little bit of metamorphosis; trying to understand where I'm in life. It's a good time. I'm trying not to turn negative, nervous, insecure or anxious. My films haven’t been working, there has been a huge negative spotlight on me. But you've to take all that in your stride. I'm nurturing myself. I've immense faith in my talent.

On his Box Office failures

To be honest, my choices aren’t being tested right now. Can’t take credit for the choices because I'm working with filmmakers I've worked with before. These are all the best in the business. I'll be lying if I say my confidence is not affected when films don't do well. Actors are insecure, actors are worrisome. They keep thinking whether the shine on my stardom is fading. All those thoughts come in but, you've to fight it. God is on his work. You need to keep working.

Memories of visiting Raj Kapur as a kid

I was 6 when he passed away, he showered extra love towards me as I was his first grandson. I remember this scene, we were playing in his garden and I was bare-feet. Red ants bit me and I started crying. I was in pain so he took me to his bedroom and sang a song for me. He used to call us to his room, make us stand in a line and say salaam karo and later gave us Caramel toffees. I don’t remember him as the star or the filmmaker but as a fat loving grandfather. Whatever I'm today is because of his films. I think it's only now that I know him more because of his films then as a grandson.

On his public breakup with Katrina Kaif

Whatever I say is grossly misconstrued, there are a lot of interpretations. I've not even said that I've broken up you know, don't feel the need to talk about it. My personal life is very dear to me. What my relationship with Katrina is, was or going to be, it’s really dear to me. After my parents she has been the most influential, motivational entity in my life. I don't want to speak about it. No negativity, no sense of bitterness about it. There’s nothing to talk about. Its fine, you don't need to know if I'm affected or not. My relationship was really punctured by a lot of things; baseless rumours, reports, perceptions. I don't want to clarify.

On working with Katrina post their breakup

Katrina and I have an amazing creative energy, working with her has always been fun. The kind of passion and work ethics she has, I haven’t seen in many people. I hope I continue working with her in the future. There's no awkwardness, as a matter of fact it's amazing. We’re actors. We aren’t here to bring our personal life and emotions. We come on sets, we bring our characters; emotions. She brings her game on the set and in return I bring my A-game.

Ranbir is known for being a reserved celebrity when it comes to interviews and this heart to heart interview brings out a different somber side of the actor. Watch the full interview here:

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