N-deal not supported by all US Democrats
N-deal not supported by all US Democrats
The US House may have voted overwhelmingly on the deal but some notable Democrats are against the deal.

New Delhi: The House of representatives has voted on the Indo-US nuclear deal allowing President George W Bush a major victory on one of his top foreign Policy.

However, notable opponents against the deal included, Democrat of Massachusetts Ed Markey, Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich, Democrat from California Howard Berman, Democrat from California Brad Sherman and Democrat from California Barbara Lee.

The Ohio Democrat said that the agreement undermines the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

''We are moving in the wrong direction. At this time of great crisis in the world, we should look towards nuclear disarmament, nuclear abolition, saving the world, not ramping up for Armageddon by nuclear proliferation,'' he said.

Meanwhile, Florida Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen noted that the legislation underscores the need for India to help work against Iran's efforts to acquire a nuclear weapon capability.

Under the proposed deal, the United States will aid the development of civil nuclear power in India in return for New Delhi placing its civil nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections.

Critics also argued that the deal ''makes mockery of the world's nuclear non-proliferation regime.''

The extra nuclear fuel that the deal would provide, they said, could free India's domestic uranium for use in its weapons programme.

However, Pakistan and China could respond by increasing their nuclear stockpiles.

The House version of the bill required the agreement to be submitted to a second vote after the Bush administration sent the text of a final agreement to Congress.

Similarly, the Senate must approve not only its own version of the House bill, but also hold a second vote before the cooperation agreement can go ahead.

A US president could stop nuclear transfers if India exports equipment or technology in violation of international guidelines, or the international Missile Technology Control Regime.

Congress would also receive extensive annual reports on compliance, including an assessment of whether India has used any civil nuclear assistance to enhance its weapons programme.

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