How To
How to Smoke in Your House without People Knowing
Smoking indoors is never an ideal situation; even so, situations arise where it's preferable to going outside. Making sure the smoke gets out can be a tricky situation by itself. It's especially difficult if you're trying to keep it on the down-low. Keepi...
How to Level Up Easily in Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire
The page gives a very simple way to level-up Pokémon. This can be used to make Pokémon level 100, but still requires quite an amount of time. Use it to give that extra boost to your Pokémon to help them overcome that gym leader!
The Best Way to Clean Your Cat's Ears: A Simple Guide
Most cats do a great job of keeping their own ears clean. Their grooming habits are so meticulous that they will even clean behind and in the inner flap of the ears. However, cats will sometimes need help cleaning their ears. It's also a good idea to freq...
How to Prevent Your Ears from Popping
Have you ever suffered from airplane ear? It's that uncomfortable, sometimes painful ear popping that occurs when pressure changes exert stress on your inner ear during a flight. It usually happens when the plane is gaining altitude or descending, and can...
How to Accept Your Body
People are constantly bombarded with unrealistic and potentially harmful images of “ideal” body types. This can make it difficult to accept, love, and feel confident in your own body, which is critical. It's also important to learn what your body can phys...
How to Deal With a Best Friend Thief
Having your best friend stolen by someone else can be hard to deal with, especially if you’re extremely close to one another. Talking to your best friend and their new friend can help to make you feel more comfortable and secure in your friendship. Dealin...
How to Defeat Lisa Trevor in Resident Evil
So, you have been able to dodge Lisa Trevor on the first two encounters, but now you must defeat her - notice defeat, not kill.
How to Host a Sleepover (for Boys)
Having a sleepover is an important and fun rite of passage for a young boy. As a parent, hosting a sleepover for boys of any age can be a challenge, but it need not overwhelm you. With the proper preparation you will find that the whole event can go smoot...
How to Flat Iron Hair
Straight hair is remarkably quick and easy to get using a flat iron styling tool in the comfort of your home. Ceramic flat irons are popular since they provide even heat for most hair types and are relatively inexpensive; titanium plates can be better for...
How to Give Your Cat Eye Drops
There is no cat in the world that likes being restrained and watching a big drop of something come at her eye. Your cat’s extreme dislike for eye drops might have you thinking you need to go to your veterinarian in order to get the job done. However, with...
How to Install Wood or Concrete Dock Posts in the Water
In theory, a dock isn’t a complicated structure. But just how do you get those sturdy posts (called pilings) securely rooted in the ground at the bottom of your pond or lake? Unless you have the heavy equipment to drive the pilings into the ground, you’ll...
How to Clean a Mare's Female Parts
Even though it may not be the most fun part of owning a horse, you will occasionally need to clean your mare's udders and genital area. This will help prevent itchiness, infection, and smelliness, as well as unsightly buildup.
How to Hang a Bike on the Wall
Storing your bike on the wall is a convenient way to save space and keep your bike safe from damage. To hang your bike on the wall securely, you’ll want to use a bike rack or a bike hook. After using a drill to properly install the mount for your bike, yo...
How to Write a Speech to Get You Elected
If you possess leadership skills and want to make a change, you may want to run for office.To become an elected official, you must convince voters that you’re the best option by delivering a message that will win them over. Regardless of whether your goal...
How to Make a DIY Teddybear with Socks or Felt
A teddy bear makes a priceless gift for a loved one, or even a cozy toy for yourself. And a hand-made teddy adds that much more love and care to your new fuzzy friend. It's easy enough for a beginner to craft, and won't break your bank. We'll show you how...
How to Fix Sticky Drawers
Wooden drawers are quickly starting to fall to metal and plastic drawers in homes all across the world. The main reason for this is that wooden drawers have an awful tendency to stick when the humidity changes inside. There are a few simple ways to fix th...