How to Make a Psi Wheel
How to Make a Psi Wheel
Making a psi wheel can be an interesting demonstration of telekinesis for those who regularly practice it, depending on your individual perspective. Unlike a psi ball, a psi wheel creates a readily observable effect that'll have most people scratching their heads. This article will describe how to make and use one, followed up by some theories as to why putting your hand near a piece of paper can make it spin.

Fold a small, square piece of paper or foil (about the size of a post-it note) diagonally. Crease.

Unfold it and fold diagonally the other way. Crease. When you unfold, you should now have an "X" made by the creases.

Turn the paper over and fold it lengthwise, crease, and unfold. Then fold it widthwise, crease, and unfold. This will create a plus sign (+).

Turn the paper over again, pinching the "X" shape so that the center of the cross pops up, creating a dimple. This is your psi wheel.

Push a needle, pointed end down, into an eraser. Make sure it's pointing up vertically, not lop-sided or leaning.

Put the psi wheel on the needle, balancing the center of the folded "X" on the eye of the needle.

Cup your hands at a distance around the wheel. You may notice the wheel moving, but scientists will tell you that the warmth of your hands causes the air on that side of the wheel to heat up; since heat rises, the warm air goes up, creating an upward current that spins the psi wheel. Try other approaches that can't be discounted as caused by heat. You don't even need to use your hands.

Concentrate on moving the wheel; visualize energy flowing from your body, out of your hand, and pushing the wheel. Does it work better when you do that? If so, you might want to put that psychic energy to work and make a psi ball or use dowsing rods.

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