Identify your topic, context, and focus.
Treat the whole of your intro as the gateway into your essay. Your introduction has to do a lot in 5 sentences or so: identify the topic, provide context, and offer your thesis or major focus. And the start of the intro in particular needs to immediately catch the reader’s attention and flow seamlessly into what follows. But fear not! The key is to use efficient, engaging writing that makes every word count. Start your intro with an attention-grabber. The rest of this article provides several good options, like scene-setters, anecdotes, and quotations. Follow up with a few sentences that offer some context for the essay topic and the thesis or main focus you’re about to identify. Finish with a single sentence that clearly lays out your primary argument or point of focus for the entire essay or article.
Set the scene for the reader.
Transport the reader into the world of your writing. Instead of setting the scene from a detached point of view, take the reader right into the action. For instance, you might start the intro paragraph for a war story like this: “Craters scarred the landscape. The smell of gunpowder hung in the air. In the distance, the husk of a burned-out automobile belched black smoke.” After describing the aftermath of the battle, zoom out to describe the duration of the conflict, the reasons behind it, the long-term impact, and so on. Setting the scene is a great intro option for news articles, historical essays, and fiction writing, to name but a few examples.
Offer an anecdote.
Anecdotes help readers connect with both informational and analytical essays. An anecdote is a brief story that relates either literally or symbolically to the topic you’re writing about. For instance, if you’re writing about how extremists have been infiltrating a political party, you might start the paragraph with a summation of Homer’s “Iliad,” focusing especially on the Trojan horse ploy. Alternately, you could provide a more literal anecdote. For instance, if your topic is the ecological crisis, you might provide a brief story about how quickly a certain species is going extinct.
Make a bold statement.
Surprise the reader to draw them into your interpretive or opinion essay. A bold statement is one that startles or amazes readers. For instance, it could be a statistic like “7 people under the age of 20 are shot every day.” You could also provide an unusual fact. For example, you might write about how sand shark embryos eat their gestating counterparts while still in the womb. Anything that instantly hooks readers and draws them in is a great start for an introduction!
Rely on a famous person or quote.
Lend weight to a research-based essay by using an authoritative source. Don’t just name-drop or use a random, cool-sounding quote—choose a relevant person or quote that carries authority on the topic. Run internet searches for quotes that are on your topic, especially ones from well-known people. Politicians, captains of industry, religious leaders, scientists, scholars, artists, and athletes can often provide relevant quotes. If you start your opening paragraph with a quote, you may find it helpful to make a callback to the quote in your closing statement. Consider an ending hook that addresses the meaning of your quote to bring the argument full-circle.
Provide a historical review.
This helps orient readers about the topic of a scholarly essay. The introductory paragraph is often the best place to lay out how people generally think about a topic. For instance, say your research topic is about how tattoos are central to Maori culture. In this case, you might open your intro paragraph with some background information about Maori society, references to the larger body of scholarship on Maori tattoos, or quotes from the first historical accounts about them. Using your introductory paragraph to provide more context can be really helpful for readers, especially if they’re not well-versed on the topic. It helps them better understand the relevant points of the topic that your essay debunks, refines, or expands upon
Condense the 5 W’s to their essence.
Provide clear, concise details right away in a news article or informative essay. Immediately giving the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, why), as well as the “how,” helps readers decide if they should continue reading. However, instead of writing an intro that’s jam-packed with 5 W’s details, strip them down to their essential components. Give readers the info they need, but do it efficiently and effectively. For instance, instead of writing, “President Jones declared in a joint session of Congress today that he will work with his counterparts abroad to reorganize international fiscal policy and lending practices, making it easier to distribute international aid,” you could write, “A new law aims to fast-track international aid to developing nations.” Here’s an example that gives lots of details without going overboard: “On Saturday, a local librarian unexpectedly became a foster mother to 5 kittens when an unknown person left them on the library doorstep. Lucille Jenkins, 35, says she took the kittens in because ‘it was the right thing to do.’”
Offer news analysis instead of details.
This change-of-pace move for news articles can help set your story apart. By starting your intro paragraph with a bit of analysis, you can explore in greater depth the ramifications of a well-known story or a story that has been covered elsewhere. In this case, instead of providing the five W’s, you focus much more specifically on the “how” of the topic. For instance, instead of describing or reporting on the actual details of a public policy and how it moved through the legislative process, use the start of your introductory paragraph to explain how the policy will change society or the lives of those affected. An analytical lede might also include information regarding who benefits and why, but the primary focus should be on explaining how a news item or event works, rather than merely describing it.
Avoid “cosmic statement” clichés.
Focus on your topic instead of making overly broad or hackneyed statements. All writers, even the great ones, sometimes fall into the trap of using “cosmic statement” clichés like “There are two sides to every issue,” “Since time immemorial,” and “For many years…” But you can resist this off-putting urge! Instead, cite a specific historical range (when relevant) or specific cultural conditions, and keep your writing centered on the subject or issue under examination. For example, instead of “People have been making cloth since the dawn of time,” you might say, “The prehistoric Egyptians were producing high-quality linen cloth as early as 5000 BC.”
Skip dictionary definitions.
This type of intro is usually considered uninspired and trite. It seems like a good idea at first, but the dictionary definition intro has been so overdone that it nearly always pushes the reader away instead of drawing them in. Sure, use the dictionary definition for your own reference, but aim for an intro that’s more creative and challenging and offers your reader new information. If you feel obligated to delineate more clearly what you’re writing about, that’s fine, but do it without directly referring to dictionary definitions. Once in a blue moon, it may actually be helpful to start with a dictionary definition. For example, you might do so if you are discussing an extremely difficult-to-define term or concept, or writing about the meaning or origin of a word. But consider alternatives first!
Eliminate qualifying language.
Writing with confidence draws in readers, so believe in yourself! For instance, don’t start your intro paragraph with unnecessary qualifiers like “I think…” or “I believe...” or “In my opinion…” Instead, just state the facts, lay out the case, or set the scene with a convincing, authoritative voice that makes it clear that your writing is worth reading. Trust in your writing and your reader! For instance, compare the following and take note of how 3 little words can make a huge difference in how authoritative and confident each sentence reads: “In my opinion, ‘Ozymandias,’ Shelley’s famous poem, reveals the impermanence of human achievement.” “‘Ozymandias,’ Shelly’s famous poem, reveals the impermanence of human achievement.”
Write the start of your intro last.
Wait so you can craft a killer intro that perfectly suits your essay. Write a generic intro if you want, then fill out your body paragraphs, and only then analyze what you have and reconsider your intro. This strategy gives you more time to consider the connections between your own writing and other material on the topic, or connections between the many elements within your article or essay. The opening line of your intro is the first impression that will color how everything you write after that is perceived by the reader. So take your time and make it count! Write the conclusion next-to-last and the intro last, or vice versa. Aim for them to connect and relate perfectly.
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