How to Read the Bible
How to Read the Bible
To make reading the Bible feel doable, choose a plan that guides which sections to read and in what order. For instance, you could choose a plan that guides you to read the books of the Bible in historical order, or a plan that puts you on track to read the entire Bible in a certain time limit. If you want more help with reading, you can use study guides or join a study group. Get absorbed in this fascinating text that has inspired countless people.

Following a Devotional Plan

Start with one of the Gospels to read Jesus’ story and teachings. The Bible’s ultimate message is the story and teachings of Jesus Christ, told in a set of books called the Gospels. If you’re just starting out reading the Bible, go with these first. There are four Gospels. They overlap in parts but have differences, too: Matthew alternates stories of Jesus’ life and sections which provide his teachings. These provide context relating Jesus to prophecies in earlier Biblical books. Mark is a fast-paced account of Jesus’ life. This dramatic narrative culminates in the crucifixion. Luke has larger blocks of stories and teachings. It focuses on Jesus’ relationship with people. John is often set apart from the other (Synoptic) Gospels. It focuses on the character of Jesus and contains stories not told in the others.

Read the Pentateuch for the creation story and other ancient texts. The first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) are known as the Pentateuch. These tell of God’s creation of the world and about ancient spiritual figures like Noah, Moses, Abraham, and Isaac. They also include important passages like the Ten Commandments. Read these if you want to learn about the foundations of Judeo-Christian belief.

Browse the wisdom books for spiritual guidance. Other books from the Old Testament, like Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon are filled with poetic passages of wisdom. These can be wonderful readings if you want to deepen your understanding of things like faith, praising God, and righteousness.

Study prophetic books to learn about Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s plan. Certain books of the old testament, like Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel include passages that discuss the coming of the Messiah and his role in God’s plan. If you want to deepen your understanding of Jesus’ role in Christianity as a whole, these books are a good start.

Read the Epistles to learn about the devotion of early Christian leaders. Books like Corinthians, Galatians, Peter, and Jude are called Epistles. These are presented as letters by early followers of Jesus. They provide accounts of how early Christians were persecuted and tested in their faith, but also great wisdom about how to live a devout life. Read these if you want to deepen your understanding of Christian values.

Turn to the Bible for guidance on specific topics when in need. The Bible covers many different topics related to spiritual matters. Study Bibles suggest sections for readings based on common topics. If you want to read the Bible for a certain reason, these can be very helpful. For instance, you could try reading: Matthew 1028-33 or Philippians 4:4-47 if you are struggling with adversity. Psalm 91:9-16 or Joshua 1:9 if you feel bullied. Luke 15:11-24 or Psalm 107 4-9 if you are feeling lost. Psalm 100 or 2 Corinthians 9:10-12, 15 if you want to express thanks.

Read the Bible randomly for quick inspiration. Some people believe that selecting books, chapters, or verses from the Bible at random can lead to insights. Many spiritual leaders and Biblical experts suggest that this can be a confusing method and lead to contradictions. But if it keeps you reading, then go ahead.

Reading the Bible for Cultural Study

Read the Pentateuch for records of the early Hebrew tribes. Aside from the creation story and stories of ancient figures, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy give accounts of the 12 Hebrew tribes. This includes their captivity in and flight from Egypt, and information about their laws and customs. These are a great resource if you want to study ancient Hebrew history.

Look at the historical books of the Bible for later accounts. Several books, such as 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, and 2 Chronicles, describe the early kingdom of Israel, Babylon’s overtaking of the kingdom, and other stories. Biblical scholars are divided about the historical accuracy of these books, but they are a critical part of tradition.

Study the Acts and Epistles for a glimpse into early Christianity. There are few references to Jesus written during his lifetime. However, certain books of the Bible, including the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles (like Corinthians, Galatians, Peter, and Timothy) discuss how early followers of Jesus spread his teachings around the Mediterranean and Middle East. These are a rich source of information if you are interested in the early development of Christianity and its establishment as a religion.

Read the Bible in chronological order to see it as a continuous story. The individual books of the Bible aren’t all placed in terms of the order of events. If you are interested in reading the Bible as one big narrative, you will have to shuffle some things around. Check your study Bible or online guides for charts that tell you what order the books were written in.

Read books in the order they were written to see how the Bible was assembled. The order of books in the Bible also doesn’t reflect the order in which they were written. Look for tables telling you when the books were written. These can be found in many Bibles or via sites like Bible Gateway.

Reading the Entire Bible

Take the Bible on cover to cover if you’re ambitious. One Biblical book doesn’t necessarily lead directly to the next. Spiritual leaders don’t always recommend reading the Bible straight through. If you are ambitious and want a sense of accomplishment, you can try it. Start at Genesis chapter 1 and read all the way to Revelations chapter 22. Services like the Bible Project can give you guidance with each part of the Bible as you read it through. This can help you understand what you read.

Tackle the entire Bible in a certain time limit to stay motivated. Getting through the whole Bible within a year, for instance, is a popular goal. Setting a goal like this can be a great way to keep you motivated to read. There are lots of resources to help you in your quest. For instance, a group called Gideons offers a plan (online or via their app) for reading each of the Bible’s chapters within a year. Some plans will couple the daily reading with a Psalm or excerpt from Proverbs for variety. You will need to read about 3 chapters a day to read the entire Bible in a year, but only about one a day to read it within three years.

Pair the New Testament with the Old to get the Bible’s whole message. The Bible is divided into two main parts. The Old Testament covers events and teachings before the birth of Jesus. The New Testament discusses his life, teachings, and first followers. You don’t have to treat them as truly separate parts, however. For instance, each day you can read a chapter from the Old Testament, and one from the New. You could instead read one whole book from the Old Testament. Then read one from the New Testament, then back to the Old, and so on. This technique is most useful if you are trying to read the whole Bible in a certain amount of time, and want some variety rather than reading cover to cover.

Putting Your Plan into Action

Select a translation that speaks to you. There are many translations of the Bible. New ones are always being developed. Each translation has a different emphasis and style. The most important thing is to find one that speaks to you and inspires you to keep reading. The King James Version (KJV) was created in the 1600s for the Church of England. It sounds old-fashioned, but many readers still enjoy its powerful style. The New International Version (NIV) is a translation done in the 1970s. It is readable while still conservative in its interpretation. The New Living Translation, isn't a direct translation, but it conveys the Bible's message in a clear, inclusive way. You can also read and compare several translations to get a sense of how the original texts have been interpreted differently.

Read a print Bible for a classic approach. Traditional Bible reading is done with the print text in hand. Many readers still enjoy this direct, classic way to read. It’s easy to make notes, highlight, and use tabs to mark passages you want to remember. You also never have to worry about battery life with a print Bible.

Use an electronic Bible for convenience. There are many options for reading the Bible electronically if that is more comfortable to you. You can read electronic Bibles on practically any device. There are also numerous versions of the Bible available as ebooks and apps. Some app and ebook versions of the Bible have nice features that let you highlight and make notes.

Set a schedule to find time. With so many tasks and distractions in life, finding the time to read the Bible can be a struggle. Setting a schedule helps. Try to make a commitment to read a certain number of chapters or verses per day, or to read for a certain amount of time each day. If you need more help, try: Reading on the way to school or work. Listening to an audio version of the Bible while you are doing something else. Downloading a Bible ebook or app and reading while you are standing in lines, waiting for a bus, etc.

Deepening Your Bible Study

Pray for guidance, if you’re religious. You can read the Bible as literature, as history, or as philosophy. But for most readers, it’s the book’s spiritual importance that matters above all. Pray before and after your readings for help understanding what you read.

Use study guides to deepen your understanding. Many Bibles come with extra materials. These can help you learn about the history, significance, and interpretation of different sections of the text. Take a look at these before or after you read from the Bible. Deepening your knowledge of the Bible can inspire you to read even more.

Take notes as you read. While it might seem a little like you’re in school, writing down your thoughts and questions as you read the Bible can deepen your reading experience. You can keep a notebook dedicated to your reading. Many online Bibles and Bible study apps also have features that allow you to take notes electronically as you read. As you read, take notes about ways to apply what you read to your own life, or jot down questions that come up.

Join a Bible class or group. Reading together with others can encourage and inspire you. Being able to talk about what you read with other people can also deepen your understanding of the Bible. You can check out Bible study groups at local churches. You can also look for community Bible study groups that meet in informal locations for discussions. Bible study groups often set a schedule for what to read, and devote time to questions that members have.

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