How to Mesquite Grill
How to Mesquite Grill
Grilling with wood can add a delicious flavor to meats, vegetables, and other food cooked on the grill. Mesquite wood can add extra flavor when grilling.[1]
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It can also be too strong for some tastes. To grill with mesquite, you will need to purchase the wood and then burn it on hot coals. Once the wood is producing smoke, place your food on the grill and get cooking. When you're done, you'll be left with a delicious meal.

Assembling Your Supplies

Decide between chips, chunks, and logs. Grilling wood is generally sold as chips, chunks, and logs. Pick an appropriate wood type depending on the type of grilling you're doing and the size of your grill. Chips have a relatively short burn time, so only use them as a last resort if other sources of mesquite are not available. Chunks are fist-size pieces of wood and work well for those in the city with smaller grills. They last a lot longer than chips, although they take longer to ignite. Logs are full pieces of wood. If you have a barbecue pit, logs can work for you. However, logs are more suited for things like campfire and chunks can work just as well for grilling in a barbecue pit.

Soak the mesquite first if using chips. If you can't find wood sources other than chips, chips require soaking with water before use. This can help chips burn for longer. Before using your chips, soak them in a covered bath of water for 30 minutes before use.

Put a smoker box in place if you have a gas grill. A smoker box is a device that holds the wood chips while you grill. It holds the chips on top of the top of the grill gates so they can ignite and smoke. If you don't have a smoker box, purchase one at a department store or online before attempting to grill with wood. If you're using a charcoal grill, a smoker box is not necessary.

Add a water pan. A water pan is a small tinfoil bowl that helps create a moist environment for smoking that helps meat cook. To use a water pan, fill the pan with hot water. Set it either under your meat or over your fire when you start grilling.

Burning Your Wood

Work with dry wood only. Unless you're using chips, your wood should be dry before you begin the burning process. Wood that you purchased should be dry prior to grilling. However, if you have freshly cut mesquite, it will take more energy to burn. As fresh cut wood can take over a year to dry, it's best to work with store bought wood for mesquite grilling.

Add your wood. To start the burning process, you will have to add the wood to the grill. Get the coals burning and then place your wood directly on top of the coals. If you're using an electric grill, set your wood in the smoker box placed over the grill gates.

Let the wood burn until it produces smoke. Do not add the meat right away. In order to capture the mesquite's flavor, let it burn. Wait until the flames have diminished and the wood is producing a steady stream of smoke. With chips, the wood will burn out and produce smoke almost immediately. However, with chunks, the process can take up to five minutes.

Grilling Your Meat

Cook your meat at the proper temperature. Place your meat on the grill and then cover your grill. As the meat cooks, monitor the temperature by placing a meat thermometer on top of your grill. Your meat should cook between 225 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit (about 107 to 121 degrees Celsius). If the grill becomes too warm or too hot, adjust as necessary. For a grill that's too warm, close the vents. This will reduce the oxygen level and then reduce the temperature. For a grill that's too cold, open the vents to increase oxygen flow.

Avoid lifting the lid. For the most part, simply let your meat grill. As you near the end of cooking time, which varies depending on the type of meat you're cooking, it's okay to peek to make sure the meat's not burning. However, as long as the temperature is stable and the meat is in the beginning or middle of cooking, leave the lid on. Lifting the lid too often can can cause the coals to burn out too quickly.

Check the meat for a smoke ring. Once your meat is done cooking, look for a smoke ring. The smoke ring is a light layer of pink just underneath the surface of the meat. This does not indicate the meat is not cooked through. It occurs due to a chemical reaction between the smoke and meat and is a sign your meat has barbecued properly.

Make sure the meat is at a safe temperature. After removing your meat from the grill, use a meat thermometer to make sure your meat is cooked through. Meat that is not hot enough should be cooked longer to avoid the risk of foodborne illnesses. Meats like beef, veal, and lamb should be cooked to 145 degrees Fahrenheit (about 63 degrees Celsius). Poultry should be cooked to 165 degrees Fahrenheit (about 74 degrees Fahrenheit). Pork and ham should be cooked to 145 degrees Fahrenheit (about 63 degrees Celsius). Fin fish should be cooked to 145 degrees Fahrenheit (about 63 degrees Celsius) and shellfish should be cooked until the shells open.

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