Exporting from Etsy
Go to https://etsy.com and log in (if you're prompted). You'll see the Etsy front page with your name in the headline. If you're not logged in, you'll need to do so to continue. You can also go to your Esty shop directly at either https://etsy.com/shop/yourshopname or https://yourshopname.etsy.com .
Click Settings. You'll see this in the vertical menu on the left side of the page next to an icon of a gear.
Click Options. It's near the middle of the menu.
Click Download Data. You'll see this in the row of tabs near the top of the page with Options and Close Shop.
Click Download CSV. This is usually the first option listed on this page under "Currently for Sale Listings." If your file manager opens, click Save to save the CSV file and continue.
Importing into Shopify
Go to https://www.shopify.com/admin/apps/import-store and log in (if prompted). This will take you directly to the part of the site you need to access to import information.
Click Apps and Import Store. You'll see this in the vertical menu on the left side of the page.
Click the drop-down menu under "Import your data into Spotify" and select Etsy. This will tell the site to expect data in the form that Etsy usually exports data.
Click Add file. You'll see this in the "Upload files" section. If you have more than 1 CSV file, you can select multiples here.
Click Continue import and Import. You'll see this in the lower right corner of the window. If some items didn't import at all, you can always add them manually by going to Products > All products > Add product.
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