How to Eat a Burger
How to Eat a Burger
You're at a restaurant, just about to take your first bite, when your burger's contents start spilling onto your plate. Whether it's the ketchup dripping from the bun's sides or the lettuce falling out, there are many factors that can create frustration. Savoring your burger without making a mess can be tricky, but there are several strategies - from gripping the burger a certain way to managing condiments - to make sure it remains intact.

Choosing Your Eating Tactic

Grip the burger with your thumb and pinkie underneath the bun for ease. By using your thumb and pinkie to grip the bottom of the bun, you'll ensure that no toppings slip from the sides. Your other three fingers can hold the top of the bun for maximum coverage. By using both hands and all of your fingers (no pinkies in the air!), you'll be chomping down on that burger without a single drop spilled. Before picking up your burger, make sure there aren't any ingredients hanging over the bun's sides.

Cut your burger into sections if it's too tall to eat. Sometimes your burger is simply too big to bite into. If this is the case, using utensils to cut the burger into halves, or even quarters, creates more manageable pieces. Cutting through your burger can make the ingredients slide around, so whether you're just slicing the burger in half or eating the whole thing with a knife and fork, try to keep its contents as tidy as possible. By pressing down on the top of the burger with a light grip, you can cut into it more easily and make sure nothing falls out. Taking off toppings such as lettuce or tomato with a fork and putting them to the side will also make it easier to cut, and you can always add them back on or eat your toppings separately.

Wrap it securely using paper or other available wrapping material. Many restaurants, whether fast food or fine dining, serve your burger to you already wrapped up, perhaps using paper, waxed paper, or some other type of wrapper. This is a great way of holding the burger together while also ensuring that your hands stay clean and nothing spills out. If your burger doesn't come with a wrapper, you can use a napkin and wrap it around the lower portion of the burger. Wrapping up a section of your burger will prevent juices and condiments from leaking out of the bottom of the sandwich.

Avoiding a Mess

Have napkins available. Whether you're eating a burger with your hands or a utensil, there's always the possibility of burger juices or condiments causing a mess. Make sure to always have napkins close by to clean up any unwanted spills or stains. Don't forget how handy those napkins are for creating a wrapper for your burger, too!

Avoid large bites. Burgers are messy sandwiches, and the bigger the bite, the more likely it is for the burger's toppings to spill over. By taking smaller bites, you'll limit the amount of condiments leaking out of the bun. Plus, it's always polite to chew with your mouth closed, and taking big bites will make this much harder.

Add condiments sparingly. Condiments definitely make a burger taste even better, but try not to spread that ketchup or mustard on too thick. Excess sauce quickly leads to a mess, and this is what causes your burger to drip. Adding condiments such as lettuce, tomato, pickles, etc. will make your burger taller, which can make it more difficult to eat as well.

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