Washing the Awning by Hand
Take the awning down if it’s removable. If your canvas awning is removable, taking it down might make it easier to clean. Once you’ve taken the awning down, lay it across a flat surface and spread it out as much as possible so you’re able to see any stains or dirty spots. How you’ll remove the awning from its mount will depend on the specific type and brand of your awning. Therefore, it’s important that you follow the directions that came with your awning so that you can remove it properly. You may want to lay out an old sheet or tarp to protect both the awning and the surface you’re cleaning on. If your canvas awning isn’t removable, or you think it will be easier to clean it in its current location, you can use a ladder to reach the awning to clean it.
Protect the awning’s surroundings if you’re washing it in place. If you aren’t taking the canvas awning down to wash it, you can protect any patio furniture or plants around and under the awning by covering them up with a tarp or plastic sheet. This will keep anything surrounding the awning from getting splashed with cleaning solution.
Hose down the awning to remove surface dirt and debris. Turn on your garden hose and, using a medium level of water pressure, spray both the top and bottom of the awning. This will remove any surface dirt and debris, making it easier for you to spot stains on the canvas and get the awning clean. If you’re using a pressure washer instead of a hose, make sure you put it on the lowest pressure setting to avoid weakening the fibers of the fabric or embedding dirt further into the canvas.
Make a cleaning solution of dish soap, water, and Borax. In a large bucket, mix 4 cups (950 mL) of warm water, 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of dishwashing soap, and 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of Borax. Stir the solution with a soft-bristle brush until it’s completely combined and sudsy. If you don’t have any Borax on hand, you can use the same amount of baking soda instead. Alternatively, you can use a bar of laundry soap as your cleaning agent. Both Purex Fels-Naptha Laundry Soap and The Laundress Wash and Stain are great options for laundry soap bars that are safe and effective for cleaning canvas awnings.
Saturate a soft-bristle brush with laundry soap or your dish soap solution. First, stick the soft-bristle brush under the hose to get the bristles wet. If you’re using a bar of laundry soap, hold a bar of laundry soap in your hand and rub the bristles of the brush across the soap back and forth several times to get plenty of soap on the bristles. If you’re using a dish soap solution, dip the bristles of the brush into the solution. You can also clean your awning with an extension pole that has an attachment for a squeegee with a T bar.
Scrub the top and bottom of the awning with the soap-soaked brush. First, scrub the top of the canvas awning entirely in a circular motion to make the solution extra sudsy. If there are any stains or bird droppings, you may need to spend a bit of extra time scrubbing these spots to get them removed. Then, flip the awning over and scrub the entire bottom. Make sure that you scrub the soap or solution into any crevices, creases, and stitching. If the canvas awning is large, you’ll likely need to rub the brush across the laundry soap or dip it in the dishwashing soap solution several times to re-lather it. Make sure that you remove all traces of bird droppings as you scrub with the brush, as they can be very damaging to the canvas fabric over time.
Use a bleach solution if you need to remove mildew from the awning. If you notice any mildew spots after scrubbing the canvas with either laundry soap or the dish soap solution, you can use a simple bleach solution to kill the mildew and get your awnings clean. To do this, mix 1 cup (240 mL) of bleach, ⁄2 cup (120 mL) of dishwashing soap, and 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water together in a clean bucket and soak the awning in the solution for 15 minutes. Avoid using chlorine bleach, as this can damage the canvas fabric. If your canvas awnings are colored, use color-safe bleach.
Rinse the awning to remove the soap and/or bleach. Use the hose to rinse any cleaning solutions out of the fabric. Make sure that you get all the suds out of the fabric and hose off any loosened dirt and debris. If you’ve taken the awning down to clean it, make sure you flip it over and rinse the laundry soap off both sides.
Hang the awning out to air dry and leave it until the next cleaning. If you took the awning down to clean it, put it back up while it’s still damp so it’ll easily stretch to fit its mount. Then, leave the awning open and spread out to let it air dry completely. Once the awning is dried, you can leave it alone until the next cleaning. To keep your canvas awning clean, clean the entire awning with laundry soap or dishwashing soap solution and a hose at least once per year. Spot-clean as needed in between cleanings to help protect the fabric and prevent damage or fading.
Washing Removable Awnings in the Washing Machine
Check the care tag or instructions before using the washing machine. Before putting your canvas awning in the washing machine, it’s important that you first check the care tag or instruction manual to make sure the awning is machine washable. While most natural canvas awnings that are removable can be put in the washing machine, some canvas awnings are made with part synthetic fabrics that aren’t machine washable. If the awnings don’t have a care tag or washing instructions, check to see what fabrics were used to make the awning. If it’s 100% canvas, it’s likely machine washable.
Take the awning down. Using a ladder, carefully remove the awning fabric from its mount. You may want to shake it off briefly to make sure you’ve removed any loose dirt and debris. The way that you can remove the awning varies depending on the specific type and brand of your awning. Therefore, follow the directions that came with your awning so that you can take it down properly.
Sweep off any loose dirt and debris. After taking the awning down, use a broom or soft-bristle brush to sweep off any leaves, twigs, or cobwebs. Make sure that you sweep both the top and the bottom of the fabric.
Wash the canvas awning on the gentle cycle. Once the awning is in the washing machine, add laundry detergent as directed on the detergent bottle or on the awning’s care tag or instructions. Then, run the washing machine on the gentle cycle. Even if the canvas feels thick and durable, make sure that you use the gentle cycle to protect the fabric.
Hang the awning back up while it’s still damp. Once the washing machine cycle ends, hang the canvas awning back up on its mount while it’s still damp so it’ll easily stretch back into place. Then, leave it to air dry completely and stay up until the next cleaning. Never put your canvas awning in the dryer, as this can cause the fabric to shrink.
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