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The Power of Washing
Wash your body daily. Take a shower or a bath every day. Showering or bathing every day keeps you clean, removes dirt and allows you to use fragrant cleaning soaps or gels to add a freshness to your skin. Unscented soaps and cleansers are fine too. You are not a dirty person if you have no smell. Clean all parts of your body with soap and a loofah, sponge, fennel or washcloth. Don't forget the parts of your body likely to harbour bacteria, such as armpits. Nobody wants to be around a stinky person and you may be judged as being generally dirty in mind, body and habit if you don't look after your personal hygiene.
Wash your face every day. To present a clean persona, you need to wash your face not once, but two times a day. Morning and night are good times. Wash makeup off your face at the end of the day.
Wash your hands as often as required. Your hands, on average, touch over 2,000 things a day, which makes them very dirty. So, wash your hands before you eat, before you prepare food, after touching anything not clean, and whenever they are dirty. Washing your hands also helps gets the dirt out of your nails and off your hands, if you have lots of dirt on your hands than when you touch your face you may get your face dirty or get acne.
Brush your teeth twice a day. Brush to remove bacteria from your teeth and to avoid bad breath. Brush for around three minutes at a time. Use mouthwash and toothpaste to get rid of the plaque on your teeth. Use dental floss when required. Visit a dentist every 6 months and get your teeth checked. If your dentist advises you see a dental hygienist, do so. He or she may also say you don't need to go as often as every six months.
Wash your hair.
Wash your hair as many times a week as required. Clean hair is easy to manage and doesn't look greasy. You can try washing it every other day if that works for you. Washing your hair upside down is great for your scalp and it brings all the oils in your hair together. Don't put in too much mousse or hairspray, because these products might damage your hair. In addition, if you use a blow dryer, straighter or curler, be sure to use heat protection products.
Personal Hygiene
Wash your clothes. Be sure your clothes are always clean and they always smell good. Also have clean, neat footwear too.
Shave. Shave, wax or use tweezers to remove hair if you think being hairless is clean. Neat facial or body hair is not unclean.
Cut your nails regularly. Scrub the dirt out from underneath nails after doing activities that are dirty, such as cleaning, gardening or being out and about all day.
Internal Cleansing
Eat healthily. Eating fruits and vegetables is a good way to stay clean within. Eat clean, be happy. This means having plenty of clean eating practices, such as clean eating recipes, raw food cuisine, salads and lean meats. Look online for "clean eating" recipes. Eat food in as close to its original state as possible that is not heavily processed. Keep your digestive system in good health, from your esophagus to your rectum.
Reduce your vice intakes. For example, don't smoke and minimize your alcoholic intake. Avoid drugs and if you are too reliant on over-the-counter drugs, learn some other ways to counteract the pain or problems you are using them for.
Have healthy thinking habits. Chase the negativity away with sensible thoughts, and acknowledge bad feelings but reply to them with self-compassion and positive thinking.
Everyday Cleanliness
Avoid being dirty! Don't leave public spaces less clean than when you arrived. Don't litter, eat meals and snacks without making a mess, clean up after yourself and never, ever do anything dirty in a public bathroom.
Be organized. Being clean is nothing without being organized. A clean house means for clean thinking, not feeling cluttered mentally as well as physically.
Fold your clothes or hang them up on a hanger. Never ever just throw your clothes anywhere, because it makes you look dirty and unclean when you wear them.
Keep your house clean and tidy. Wash the floors and vacuum them regularly. Sweep up crumbs and dirt daily. Do a spring cleaning every now and then to get rid of major amounts of dirt in the house. Develop a cleaning calendar to remind you when the house needs specific cleans. Living in a clean environment will help you to feel better.
Have good manners and avoid dirty habits. The cleanest person can appear dirty if they pick their nose, make lewd comments, break wind a lot, burp, or do anything else commonly perceived as dirty.
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