3 Ways to Safely Remove Eyelash Extensions
3 Ways to Safely Remove Eyelash Extensions
Eyelash extensions make your eyes look lovely, but after a month or two, they might start falling off and it’ll be time to remove them. Lash extensions are secured with a very strong adhesive that resists soap and water, so they won't come off easily. Fortunately, you can safely remove your lash extensions at home with the guide we’ve put together below. We’ll walk you through the best approaches and what you can use to take your extensions off without damaging your natural lashes.
Things You Should Know
  • You can remove eyelash extensions at home, but it’s riskier than having them removed by a professional technician.
  • It’s best to use a professional-grade product designed to remove eyelash extensions. However, using steam plus castor oil, coconut oil, or vaseline can help weaken the adhesive, especially after repeated applications.
  • Do not attempt to remove your lashes by picking or directly using tweezers.

Applying Remover at Home

Buy a professional-grade eyelash extension glue remover. Since the glue used to apply eyelash extensions is very strong, regular eyelash glue remover may not work on your lashes. Get glue remover that's labeled for use on eyelash extensions and that says it's “professional grade." You can find eyelash extension glue remover at a drugstore, in a beauty supply store, or online. If you had your extensions professionally done, ask the technician which solvent they used. Then, see if you can purchase it from them. If you don’t have a professional-grade eyelash extension removal product, you can apply castor oil, coconut oil, or oil-based makeup remover to your lashes with a small brush. The oil will help weaken the adhesive.

Remove your eye makeup to easily see where the extensions start. Apply eye makeup remover to a cotton swab or pad, then wipe it over your eyes. Be sure to remove all of your mascara and eyeliner. This will allow you to identify where your real lashes end and the extensions begin. You can use your normal makeup remover for this step. Don't use a cotton ball or a fuzzy pad, since these could leave lint or cotton fibers behind on your lashes.

Place under-eye pads below your eyes to protect your skin. Under-eye pads are thin, C-shaped pads that have an adhesive on the back. You can use these pads to protect the delicate skin under your eyes. To apply them, pull the back off the adhesive side of a pad. Then, position the pad under your eye with the scooped out side facing your eye. Lightly pat along the surface of the pad to make it stick. This step is optional, but it will help keep the glue remover off of your skin. If you get the glue remover on your skin, it may cause itching or irritation. You can find under eye pads at your local beauty supply store or online.

Apply eyelash glue remover to 2 brush applicators or spoolies. Use disposable brush applicators or spoolies so you can easily apply the glue remover to your lashes. Coat the brush end of both applicators or spoolies with the glue remover. Then, set 1 of the applicators or spoolies aside for later. You're going to use 1 applicator or spoolie to apply the glue remover. Then, you'll use the second applicator to remove your extensions. If you prefer, wait to apply the glue remover to the second applicator until you need it. However, it will be difficult for you to see after you apply the glue remover because your eyes will be closed. It's best to do this ahead of time. Set the second applicator or spoolie down somewhere close by so that you can easily find it with your eyes closed.

Close the eye you're working on so you don't get the glue remover in it. The glue remover can sting and irritate your eyes, so it's important that you don't get it in them. Tightly close your eyes before you apply the remover, then leave them closed until you're finished removing the extensions. It's best if you can have someone help you apply the glue remover and take off your extensions. That way, they can apply the glue remover to both eyes at the same time so you'll be able to finish the process faster. Typically, this is the way a professional technician will do it. However, it's okay to do it yourself if you don't have help.Tip: If you're doing this by yourself, do 1 eye at a time. This allows you to check your work as needed using the eye you aren't working on.

Swipe the applicator or spoolie from the midpoint of your lashes to the tips. Pull the applicator or spoolie through your lashes like you're applying mascara. However, focus on the ends of your lashes where the extensions are applied. You don't need to get the glue remover on your natural lashes below the extensions. It's okay to open the eye you aren't working on so you can see what you're doing. Just make sure you keep the eye you're working on closed.

Sweep glue remover on the lower part of your lashes, avoiding the lash line. Apply a thin layer of glue remover just below the midpoint on your lashes. This will make sure that all of the glue dissolves. However, don't put the glue remover on the roots of your lashes or your lash line. It may irritate your skin, and you don't want to risk getting it into your eye. It's okay to skip this step if you know you've already coated the area where the glue is located. You just need to apply the remover over the glue itself.Warning: Don't get the glue remover into your eye. If you do, rinse your eye thoroughly with cold water until the glue remover is gone.

Let the glue remover sit for 3 minutes so it can break down the glue. Set a timer and wait 3 minutes for the glue remover to dissolve the glue. Leave your eye closed while the glue remover is on your lashes. Don't rinse off the remover after 3 minutes because you still need to remove the extensions. Some glue removers may recommend leaving the product on for up to 5 minutes. Read your label to check the instructions for the product you're using.

Pull the second applicator or spoolie through your lashes to remove the extensions. Retrieve the second applicator or spoolie that you coated with glue remover earlier. Then, slowly pull the applicator or spoolie through your lashes, starting below the midpoint. The lash extensions should come off in the brush. Use your fingers to pick the lashes off the applicator or spoolie, then continue working until all of your extensions are gone. You may need to make several passes to remove all of your extensions. You'll know they're all gone when you just see your natural lashes, which will be shorter and an even length. Discard the extensions once you've removed them.

Use a gentle eye makeup remover to clean away excess glue remover. Soak a cotton swab or pad with your makeup remover, then wipe it over your eyes to clean away any excess glue or glue remover. Make several passes to make sure the area is totally clean. If you want to cleanse your face, it's okay to do that instead.

Using Steam and Oil

Remove your eye makeup so you can tell where your natural lashes end. Use a gentle eye makeup remover to wipe away any mascara or eyeliner. This makes it easier for you to see where your real lashes end and the extensions begin. Use your normal makeup remover to clean your eyes.

Fill a bowl with steaming hot water. Boil water on the stove or in the microwave. Then, carefully pour the water into a heat-safe bowl. Set the bowl on a table or countertop where you can bend down over it. If you like, you can add some essential oils to the bowl to help you relax. For instance, you might add 2-3 drops of lavender, tea tree, peppermint, or eucalyptus essential oil to the water.

Put a towel over your head, then lean over the steam for 15 minutes. Set your timer for 15 minutes, then drape the towel over your head and lean forward. Be careful not to get too close to the water, as it could scald your face. Position the towel so that it encircles the bowl and traps in the steam. Keep your head over the steaming bowl for 15 minutes. The steam will loosen the glue on your extensions so it comes off more easily.

Soak a cotton swab in olive, castor, or coconut oil. Pour the oil onto a cotton swab. Make sure that it's really saturated, as dry cotton may scratch or irritate the skin around your eyes. You can also try to remove your extensions with vaseline. If you're using coconut oil, you may need to microwave the oil for a few seconds to get it into a liquid state. You can also use olive oil or a simple beauty bomb. You may need to use multiple cotton swabs to get off all of the lashes, so have extras on hand.Warning: Don't get the oil into your eye. If any oil does go into your eye, flush it out with cold water.

Swipe the oil over your eyelashes until all of your extensions come off. Start at the inner corner of your eye and pull the cotton swab across your lashes. Make several passes to coat the extensions in the oil. Once the oil coats your lashes, the extensions should start to come off. Keep wiping until all of the eyelash extensions are removed. If your skin starts to feel irritated, stop wiping immediately. Wash your face, then see a professional to get the remaining extensions removed. If necessary, apply more oil to your cotton swab or get a new swab. Don't simply pull off the extensions, as this can damage your natural lashes. Let the oil sit on top of the eyelashes for a while before peeling the extensions. If the extensions don't wipe away easily, comb the oil through them with a spoolie, then let it sit for a minute. Once it's had a chance to soak in, run the spoolie through your lashes again to comb out the extensions.

Use a gentle cleanser to wash away the excess oil. After you've removed all of your extensions, apply a pea-size amount of mild facial cleanser to your skin. Work the cleanser over your face to remove any excess oil from your skin. Rinse your face with cool water, then pat it dry with a clean towel. It's okay to use your normal facial cleanser to clean away the oil.

Getting a Professional Removal

Go back to the salon technician who applied your extensions. Eyelash extensions are most often affixed using surgical-grade glues, which are a type of superglue. This type of glue is extremely difficult to remove without the proper tools and chemical solutions, so it's best to return to your eyelash technician. Make an appointment with them to get your eyelashes removed. If you've had your lashes for less than a week, then it's very important that you go back to your technician. It's very difficult to remove a full set of extensions that have only recently been applied. Tip: Getting your eyelashes removed by a technician usually costs about $25 to $30 at a minimum. However, some salons will remove them free of charge, especially if you're having a bad reaction to the glue.

Go to a different salon if you're concerned about the application. While eyelash extensions are generally safe, sometimes people make mistakes, especially if they're a beginner or lack proper training. If you have any concerns about how your extensions were applied, go to a different salon to have them removed. For instance, you might want to see a different technician if you experienced any of the following: Unprofessional, crooked, patchy, or unattractive eye lashes Pain around your eyes Itching or stinging around your eyes Eye redness

See a doctor if you're experiencing pain, irritation, redness, or swelling. In some cases, eyelash extensions can cause an allergic reaction or lead to an infection. Similarly, improperly applied lashes may cause pain, irritation, and damage. If you're getting your lashes removed because they're bothering you, it's best to see a doctor so you can get proper treatment. In rare cases, an infection can cause serious complications, so don't hesitate to see your doctor. You'll likely receive a referral to an ophthalmologist, who can make sure your eyes are okay.

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