Deep & Meaningful Compliments
Acknowledge their impact on you and everyone else who knows them. Most people want to feel like they’re making a difference, especially since it contributes to a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. So, if you want to make the other person feel valued, let them know how their words and actions have impacted you. Whether they’ve inspired you to become a better person or have always been there for you, check out the following list of compliments to shower them with praise: Please never stop being you! The world needs more people like you. I wish I were half of the human you are. You make a difference in so many lives. Your ideas will change the world one day. You’re my favorite person to spend time with. You’ve set such a good example for your kids. You make me feel seen, heard, and supported. You’re one in a billion. I’m glad you’re in my life. Every time I hang out with you, I lose track of time. My whole life changed for the better the day I met you. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come and for never giving up. You make mundane moments feel like the highlights of my day. Your parents must be amazing since they raised someone like you. The world should honestly pay you for existing because you make it better.
Sweet Compliments
Highlight small details that others may overlook to make them feel seen. To make a compliment stand out and be more unique, you could “highlight something you’ve recently learned” about someone or “simply tell them you’re grateful for their presence, energy, or words,” says clinical psychologist Kim Chronister, PsyD. Focusing on small quirks and traits that make people uniquely themselves is the best way to lift their spirits and show love. Here are some sweet compliments for inspiration: Tell your parents I said, “well done!” You have a beautiful way with words. You’re the human version of a warm hug. Hearing your laugh always makes me happy. Your heart must be 10 times the average size. The worst part of hugging you is letting you go. It must be hard to be smart and so good looking. I always feel like I can be my true self around you. My face hurts from how much you make me smile. You could talk to a brick wall and make it feel heard. I love that I always learn something new when I talk to you. Even the moon would trade places just to shine like you do. Your voice is so calming, you should start an ASMR channel. I love how you can always find the silver lining in bad situations. You’re sweeter than a triple-scoop ice cream cone…with extra fudge. I admire the high standards you set for yourself and those around you.
Unique Compliments About Personality
Focus on someone’s character to give a genuine compliment. According to dating coach Laura Bilotta, it’s important that your compliment goes “beyond the surface level” to make the other person feel special. Mentioning how thoughtful, kind, intelligent, or generous someone is can boost their self-esteem and show you’re actually paying attention to them. Here are some unique ideas for inspiration: I like the way your mind works. You radiate pink starburst energy. Your independence is empowering. Talking to you is like a breath of fresh air. Your wit is faster than my WiFi connection. Your generosity makes Santa Claus look stingy. Your energy is bigger than every room you’re in. You’re so dependable, you make gravity look flaky. If personality was a flavor, you’d be the chef’s special! You’re so wise, even fortune cookies ask you for advice. You’re more fun than a troop of chimpanzees…with jetpacks. In high school, I bet you were voted “most likely to be president.” You’re more comforting than a warm chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk. You’re like a glass of expensive champagne…sparkling, bubbly, and effervescent. You’re so thoughtful, you probably remember your second cousin’s puppy’s birthday.
Unique Compliments For Best Friends
Give a thoughtful and unexpected compliment to hype up your friends. Does your friend always know what to say to brighten your day? Do they make you laugh like no other? Do they show up for you when you need them the most? Highlight all of the things you appreciate about your friend to show you don’t take them for granted. Here are some unique and heartfelt compliments to deepen your connection: You’re proof that God has favorites. You’re the only person I trust with the aux. Your side profile alone could start a fan club. You don’t just bring good vibes, you ARE the vibe! You have the best style…I wish I had your wardrobe! Your aura is so rare, even Pokémon cards are jealous. If loyalty was a currency, you’d have Jeff Bezos money. You smell so good, they should make you into a candle. You’re the blueprint, and everyone else is just a rough draft. If life was a group project, you’d be the only reason we’re passing. You’re the main character, and I’m honored to be in your storyline. When you become famous, I want to be president of your fan club. Your energy is so fire, even my phone is overheating just texting you. If we were Sims, my social bar would be maxed out every time we hang. How are you so photogenic? I’ve literally never seen a bad photo of you.
Unique Compliments For Family
Emphasize their role in the family to make them feel loved and important. To come up with a heartfelt compliment, reflect on your relationship and list all the ways they’ve supported you. If your mom always cooks for your family, for example, you could weave that into your compliment by saying her latest dish could win a food competition show. Here are some other ways to compliment a family member and express your gratitude: You’ve always been my hero. Everyone should come to you for advice. When I grow up, I want to be just like you. You’re the reason I had such a happy childhood. The dinner you cooked for us was Masterchef-worthy. Your pep talks could probably turn a potato into a CEO. I’d still pick you as my family in every alternate universe. If parenting was a sport, you’d be an Olympic champion. You make me actually want to show up to family reunions. You bring the fun to every family gathering…no RSVP needed. You’re the reason I have thick skin and an elite sense of humor. If wisdom and patience had a human form, it would look like you. You have more wisdom than Google and more stories than Netflix. I may have your DNA, but I could never match your level of brilliance. You’re my biggest cheerleader, financial advisor, and reality check all in one.
Unique Compliments For Coworkers
Zero in on their skills or work ethic to compliment a colleague or boss. If your coworker has been absolutely killing it lately, draw attention to their talents and achievements in the workplace. It’s one of the best ways to compliment their work and let them know they’re a pleasure to be around. Here are some positive and professional compliments to acknowledge their efforts: You’re a natural-born leader. You ask such insightful questions. Your creativity is on another level! I respect your flexibility and open mind. It’s too bad every boss/colleague can’t be like you. Genuine question…is there anything you can’t do? I wish I could figure things out as quickly as you do. You’re so efficient, you make assembly lines look lazy. You deserve an award for everything you do around here. You’re the real MVP of the team. I’m so lucky to work with you! Your ideas are like fireworks…colorful, captivating, and exciting. How do you handle challenges with such grace and composure? Your problem-solving skills make Sherlock Holmes look clueless. Your laughter is more contagious than a yawn in a 9 AM meeting. You’re always so cheerful in the morning. I love coming into work to see your smile!
Unique Compliments For Men
Stroke his ego with compliments that praise his skills and talents. The “best way to compliment a guy is to make him feel masculine,” says dating coach Imad Jbara. “Guys have very fragile egos,” so “a little bit of admiration goes a long way.” Here are some compliments to highlight his strength, intelligence, bravery, courage, or assertiveness, and make him feel loved and appreciated: I’m your biggest fan. You have a very erotic voice. You never cease to amaze me. When I’m with you, everything feels right. You’re cute and funny. Can I keep you forever? Just thinking of you makes my heart beat faster. You make me laugh so hard you ruin my eyeliner. I really appreciate how you’re always in my corner. I don’t think I could ever get tired being around you. Your personality could make any woman fall in love. You’re the type of guy every girl dreams about meeting. If being charming was a crime, you’d be serving a life sentence. I wish I could put you in my pocket and take you everywhere I go. I’m having trouble focusing at work…I can’t stop thinking about you. You give off [Golden-Retriever-Boyfriend|golden retriever energy], and I’m trying to be your favorite human. You’re like a walking plot twist…just when I think I’ve figured you out, you get even better.
Unique Compliments For Women
Tie your compliment to her personality to stand out from the crowd. According to Jbara, “everyone likes getting complimented on their looks. But when you compliment somebody on their looks consistently and they usually get those compliments, it’s not really special anymore.” Instead, focus on compliments that highlight what she values about herself or makes her irresistible to you, such as being spontaneous, adventurous, or even a bit nerdy. Here are some cute ideas to express admiration: I brag to all my friends about you. I’d let you text “K” and still think it’s cute. You’re the most captivating person I’ve ever met. You’re the type of girl people write love songs about. Is that your photo next to “beautiful” in the dictionary? Everyone’s jealous of me because I get to be with you. You’re my favorite person to do absolutely nothing with. Being around you feels like a lucky streak I never want to end. You could make a traffic light turn green just by walking past it. I feel like the secrets of the universe are locked behind your eyes. If I didn’t already know you, I’d be bugging everyone to introduce us. You’re the kind of woman that can make a man forget his own name. If I had to choose between free wings for a year or you, I’d choose you. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but you’re making me rethink my decision. Brains…check. Beauty…check. Great sense of humor…check. It’s official, you’re the total package.
Great Compliments For Anyone
Come up with a genuine compliment to make someone smile. Dating coach Louis Felix says, “honesty is the best policy” when it comes to giving compliments, and it “becomes disingenuous when you say something just to impress someone.” So, think about what you truly admire or appreciate about the other person, and weave that into your compliment. Here are some sweet and simple ideas you can use on anyone: You never fail to impress me. Your perspective is so refreshing! Your smile could power an entire city. Wow, you’re talented beyond your years! If “effortlessly cool” was a person, it’d be you. I don’t think you realize how good looking you are. Anyone would be lucky to have you work for them. You don’t have a mean bone in your body, do you? You make the best cup of coffee in the entire world. You’re so smart. I bet you do crossword puzzles in ink. I love that color on you…it really makes your eyes pop! Has anyone ever told you that you have great posture? I love your confidence. Can you send some of it my way? Do you work at Spotify? Because you have the best taste in music! You handle stress so well. Think you could provide me with some tips?
How to Craft a Unique Compliment
Come up with a compliment that is personal, specific, and unexpected. The key to giving a unique compliment is to highlight a small quirk or trait that may go unnoticed by other people. Detailed compliments that go beyond physical appearance are much more unique and impactful, especially if you incorporate creative or witty comparisons. If the other person always has the answers, for example, you could tell them they’re basically a human search engine. Here are some other tips to create a unique and genuine compliment: Start your compliment with an “I” statement: Using “I” statements, such as “I admire…” or “I appreciate…” gives your words more weight and makes your compliment seem more sincere. Celebrate their skills, talents, and best traits: Think about their words and actions to craft a meaningful compliment that goes beyond looks. If you need help, search positive adjectives online, and weave them into your compliment. Acknowledge the impact they’ve made in your life: People love knowing they’ve made a difference in the world, so bring up all the ways the other person has affected you. It could be as simple as making you smile on a bad day, or as deep as making you believe in love again. Give a compliment that matches their personality: If your friend is a jokester, for example, you might want to give them a witty and playful compliment so they don’t feel awkward. If you’re complimenting your long-term partner, however, you might want to use deep and heartfelt words.
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