This Shocking Revelation Will Ruin Your Cruise Ice-Cream Parties
This Shocking Revelation Will Ruin Your Cruise Ice-Cream Parties
Dara Tucker says if the crew suddenly makes lots of ice cream available to passengers, it could be because more people have died onboard than the number of morgues available.

Isn’t it so delightful to imagine the joy of indulging in delicious ice cream parties on cruise ships, where you can savour the sweet treats while sailing through the beautiful waters? We all would love to have a moment like this on our vacations, especially, if it is a surprise treat. Unfortunately, this piece of information from a lady might just ruin the experience for you! Cruise ships are known for their luxurious amenities and fun activities, but Dara Tucker, a former cruise ship singer, recently shed light on a shocking reason behind the seemingly innocent ice cream parties often held onboard.

Tucker, in a now-viral video, reveals that these parties might not just be about treating passengers to a sweet treat. According to Tucker, if the crew suddenly makes a lot of ice cream available to passengers, it could be because more people have died on the ship than they have room for in the morgue.

Tucker’s video, which was originally shared on TikTok, claims that cruise ships throw these parties to make room in the morgue for additional bodies. “If the crew suddenly makes a bunch of ice cream available to the passengers … it is often because more people have died on the ship than they have room for in the morgue," she claimed in the video.

“If more than seven people died on that particular ship, they would have to start moving bodies to the freezer, which meant they needed to make room in the freezer," she added, “so they would have to take out a lot of the ice cream and other frozen goods to make room for the extra bodies," she added.

While Tucker did not work in the morgue herself, she said she had friends who worked as nurses onboard and informed her of the grim reality. According to Tucker, these friends mentioned that approximately four to 10 people die on every cruise, especially on upscale cruises with an older demographic, averaging around 75 years old.

“They said, ‘Maybe four to 10 people die every cruise,’ and there are a lot of older people on ships," she went on, reflecting on her cruise ship, which had about 3,000 passengers.

Watch it here:

Cruise ships are legally required to have body bags onboard, as well as a morgue in case passengers pass away while at sea, informs Maritime Injury Guide. It says the size of the morgue varies depending on the ship’s dimensions, but they can usually store three to four bodies. These morgues are often located on the lower decks, close to other storage spaces, such as food and alcohol lockers.

Travel website Cruise Hive also substantiates this claim and mentions that cruise ships have morgues made of stainless steel, which are refrigerated to store the bodies until the end of the voyage.

So the next time you’re on a cruise and treated with mouthwatering ice cream suddenly, don’t forget to count the people on board!

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