Rats Throw Rave In Louisiana Police Station, Feast On Seized Marijuana
Rats Throw Rave In Louisiana Police Station, Feast On Seized Marijuana
Marijuana is just one of the many prohibited items stored in the broken police headquarters.

Rats in a dilapidated police station in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, erupted chaos by throwing a wild party after discovering seized marijuana. The cunning rodents made merry amidst mould and cockroach infestations, right under the noses of the police force. ABC News reported the incident, shedding light on the rundown conditions of the station and its stockpile of prohibited items.

Police Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick informed members of the New Orleans City Council: “The rats consuming our marijuana, they’re all intoxicated.” She elaborated on the issue of vermin infestation and decay within the offices, which have been operational since 1968, mentioning that officers have even discovered rat droppings on their desks.

Pest control expert Ron Harrison mentioned that while he hasn’t encountered reports of rats consuming drug stashes, his company does have pest control contracts for certain greenhouses where marijuana is grown. He noted that the situation in the state capital wasn’t entirely unexpected, as rats are omnivores. Depending on the form of marijuana, they might experience similar effects to humans. Harrison explained, “From understanding the biology of the rat and its similarities to humans, I would expect that, based on the amount or concentration they ingest, their experience would be somewhat similar to humans.”

Authorities remained reluctant to disclose how the eager rats discovered the marijuana stash and whether their actions affected any ongoing investigations. New Orleans officials are now aiming to relocate the department to a new facility, with Superintendent Kirkpatrick saying that relocation is her top priority.

Superintendent Kirkpatrick mentioned that her 910 officers had to endure broken air conditioning and elevators at work, clarifying that the situation was not the fault of the janitorial staff. She expressed, “The level of uncleanliness is unprecedented. They deserve recognition for attempting to clean what seems impossible.” In 2021, cannabis possession was decriminalised statewide in Louisiana, meaning individuals caught with small amounts (under 14 grams) no longer face jail time. However, possessing larger quantities or illegally distributing the drug still carries severe penalties, including prison sentences ranging from six months to 30 years.

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