CFO Sends Resignation Letter Using A Page From Kid's Notebook
CFO Sends Resignation Letter Using A Page From Kid's Notebook
A CFO submitted a resignation letter that looks like it was plucked straight from a kid’s homework assignment.

We’ve all aimed to distinguish ourselves in cover letters to secure coveted positions or our dream jobs. However, have you ever pondered the idea of making a mark with your resignation letter? Stop the contemplation because we may have a standout example right here. This individual appears to have invested minimal effort, bordering on zero, in crafting a resignation letter, and the remarkable part is that it still manages to pass muster.

Rinku Patel, a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) recently decided to shake things up by submitting a resignation letter on looks like a page from a kid’s notebook. The letter, shared on the microblogging platform X (formerly Twitter), has become an internet sensation with its charming simplicity.

The masterpiece reads, “I will be resigning from the job of CFO with immediate effect due to my personal reasons.” Short, sweet and to the point – it’s like the ABCs of quitting your job, written in a handwriting that would make any elementary school teacher proud.

The internet erupted in laughter and disbelief when the picture of this unconventional resignation letter made its rounds. Some users couldn’t help but reminisce about the good old days of school when writing letters felt more like a creative exercise than a formal obligation.

“This CFO seems to have borrowed a page from his kid’s rough notebook and has written a resignation letter in that and uploaded it to BSE. Listed companies in India,” read the caption accompanying the post.

With over 17,000 views on X, the post sparked a lively discussion in the comments section. One user defended the whimsical approach, saying, “It may not be in proper form. However, it conveys substance and meets the legal requirements. Adds some flavour to the drab letters we keep seeing. And for some, it’s a news story and conversation starter.”

Another astute observer pointed out, “Not just borrowing paper, looks like it was written by his kid as well. Page is not even torn from the book.”

“Well, it’s a 20 Cr mcap company, people living in my neighborhood have houses that exceed that, so yeah, a rough notebook makes sense,” commented a user.

Surprisingly, the comment section was not filled with critiques of the CFO’s unconventional approach. Instead, users marvelled at the neat handwriting of the presumed child.

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