This Country Bans Sale Of iPhone 12 For Radiation Scare, Apple Denies Charges
This Country Bans Sale Of iPhone 12 For Radiation Scare, Apple Denies Charges
Apple faces questions about the health concerns of the iPhone 12 model in Europe this week but the company denies those charges.

Apple has launched new iPhones this week but the company also made the news for some concerning issues. Apple has been forced to stop selling the iPhone 12 model in France by the Ministry, as it is allegedly above the threshold of radiation levels in the country. The remarks were reportedly made by France’s Junior Minister this week.

The radiation monitoring agency of France, AFNR has already notified Apple about its decision to ban the specific iPhone model. The agency has taken this call after claiming to have carried out tests on the iPhone 12 which showed that the phone’s Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) level was higher than what France allows phone manufacturers.

It is interesting that Apple has been called by the French Government over the SAR issue, and the problem seems to be limited to the iPhone 12 model. Apple has defended the charges put forth by the French government, claiming that the particular iPhone model meets all the radiation standards, and tests have been done to prove those claims.

The company says that the iPhone model launched in 2020 has been certified by multiple international bodies and got the all-clear for the iPhone being compliant with global radiation standards. Apple is understandably miffed by these developments, and it says will be contesting these findings.

The French Ministry’s notification to Apple clearly states that they want the model to be removed from the market. It is even willing to order a recall for all iPhone 12 models that have been sold in the country. This is probably the first time we have heard about Apple with regard to SAR issues, which have mostly been associated with Chinese phone companies over the years.

While Apple seems confident about clearing its charges, the brand is likely to be concerned about the possible snowball effect of this order, which could be followed by other EU nations in the coming months.

(With Reuters inputs)

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