This is a common perception – Though we are globally renowned source of talented manpower across sectors, when it comes to our consumer products, we just don’t have what it takes to compete in global markets. Our companies in the technology, automotive, and pharmaceutical industries have done very well but why haven’t Indian consumer brands become world-beaters?
“There are a number of Indian consumer brands that have already begun expanding globally, or have the potential to do so. Some examples include Patanjali, Amul, Himalaya. However, these companies have faced challenges in expanding overseas, such as lack of investment, local market understanding, competitive technology advantage, management talent and lack of vision,” says Meera Iyer, Growth and Business Head, SkinQ.
Iyer feels there is one sector though that could unlock India’s gateway into global markets as we have the natural advantage – that’s beauty made for skin of colour and made for Indian Skin. “Just the way Korean beauty captured the world’s imagination with their unique and innovative products, we can do so because these R&D led products are best suited to help people that have skin of colour, which pretty much covers all of India, Africa, Middle East and Latino skin types that accounts for over 50% of world population,” adds Iyer.
Skin of colour is skin with increased pigment or melanin. It responds differently compared to white skin due to this melanin, be it to sun, products, injury or stimulation. “The basic healing itself is affected and these skin types heal with pigmentation which takes a long time to fade and in many cases the pigmentation can be permanent leading to mental stress and agony,” opines Iyer.
All skin care can work on skin of colour, but the efficacy for full recovery is limited.
Hence, formulations specific to skin of colour is critical especially skincare that is clinically proven with trials in skin of colour can be a game changer globally.
Today, the skincare manufacturing, formulations in India have evolved. “A dermatologist is the primary care giver for Skin – the largest organ in the human body. They know the in and out of how skin acts and reacts. Hence formulations by a dermatologist who works primarily with Skin of colour has a right to win,” states Iyer.
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