Kale is one of the prominent green leafy vegetables because of its nutritional value and health benefits. It is a nutritious superfood rich in antioxidants and nutrients that can support eye health, weight management, heart health and more.
According to a report published in Healthline, Kale comprises 6 different vitamins Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B2, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin K are present. Amongst these vitamins, Vitamin C is involved in strengthening many parts of the immune system. For example- vitamin C helps encourage the production of white blood cells known as lymphocytes and phagocytes, which help protect the body against infection. This space articulates the benefits of consuming the Kale vegetable.
Highly Nutritious
Kale is closely related to the cabbage family, i.e.- comprising broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, and Brussels sprouts. A single cup, or 21 grams of raw kale, comprises
1. Calories: 7
2. Carbs: 1 gram
3. Fibre: 1 gram
4. Vitamin K: 68 per cent of the Daily Value
5. Vitamin C: 22 per cent of the DV
6. Manganese: 8 per cent of the DV
7. Vitamin A: 6 per cent of the DV
8. Riboflavin: 5 per cent of the DV
9. Calcium: 4 per cent of the DV
Certain substances in kale can bind bile acids in the digestive system and prevent them from being reabsorbed in the bloodstream. This lessens the total amount of cholesterol in the body. Studies have found that consuming 14 grams of kale powder every day for 8 weeks significantly reduced levels of bad cholesterol, along with blood pressure, belly fat, and fasting blood sugar levels.
According to a study, steaming kale leads to a rise in the bile acid binding effect. Steamed kale is 13 per cent as potent as cholestyramine, a cholesterol-lowering drug that functions similarly.
Comprise anti-cancer compounds
Kale is a storehouse of compounds that are believed to have protective effects against cancer. One of these is sulforaphane, a substance that has been shown to help block the formation of cancer at the molecular level. It also comprises a indole-3-carbinol, another substance that is believed to help prevent cancer.
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