In today’s times, we come across the terms red flags and green flags a lot, particularly in the context of relationships. Just as red and green lights in a traffic signal denote stopping and moving ahead respectively, they mean the same in a relationship. A red flag is a sign to stop in the relationship right there while a green flag is a sign to move ahead with it.
According to the Mental Health website, red flags are those signs which indicate that your partner may play with your emotions in the future and may have a problematic nature. In contrast, a green flag in a relationship means that your partner is emotionally healthy and mature. If you recognise the red flag and green flag signs in the initial days of your relationship, then you can easily find the right partner for you.
First, we will help you identify red flags. The first sign is love bombing. Love bombing involves a person going above and beyond you to emotionally and psychologically manipulate you into a relationship with them. This form of manipulation is the first sign that the person may not be emotionally reliable. If your partner speaks ill of your loved ones or your ex-partner or is extra possessive of you, getting jealous about you talking to certain harmless persons, it may be time to reconsider the relationship. Apart from that, a nature that includes always trying to blame you for things going wrong in a relationship is also a red flag.
When it comes to green flags, when your partner shows understanding and empathy towards your feelings and problems without you having to explicitly communicate them, it demonstrates a deep level of emotional connection and attentiveness. Similarly, offering help and support without needing to be asked signifies a willingness to be there for each other unconditionally, fostering mutual trust and reliability. If you feel emotionally and physically safe in the company of your partner and find yourself energised, motivated and rejuvenated around them, then these are green flags.
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