30 minutes of Yoga exercises can help open blocked airways caused by emphysema or bronchitis, which are linked to chronic inflammatory lung disease.
The burning of firecrackers and stubble during Diwali has put us at grave risk of contracting serious respiratory problems. Our lungs are affected the most by the toxic pollutants present in the air. These pollutants irritate airways and cause symptoms like wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath apart from risk of other ailments.
30 minutes of Yoga exercises can help open blocked airways caused by emphysema or bronchitis, which are linked to COPD (chronic inflammatory lung disease). Yoga can also improve the function of air circulation. Even in cases of advanced COPD, simple yoga techniques can come to your rescue.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
- Kneel on the yoga mat and put your hands on the hips.
- Simultaneously, breath in, arch your back and slide your palms from hips to over your feet till the arms are straight.
- Do not strain your neck, keep it in a neutral position.
- Stay in this posture for a couple of seconds.
- Now, breathe out and slowly return to the initial pose. Bring your hands back to your hips as you straighten up.
Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
- Lie down on the yoga mat, on your back.
- Folding your knees, bring your feet near the hips. Your feet have to be placed firmly on the floor.
- Bend your arms at the elbows, your palms should face the sky. Rotate your arms at the shoulders and place the palms on the floor, beside your head.
- Now, inhale and put pressure on your palms and legs. Lift your entire body and form an arch.
- Gently allow your head to fall behind.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
- Lie down flat on your stomach, your hands should be placed under your shoulders.
- Keep your feet together, toes on the ground.
- Inhale and hold your breath. Slowly lift your head, shoulders and torso at a 30-degree angle.
- Your navel should be on the floor, while the shoulders are broad and head slightly raised upwards.
- Pressure will be on your toes – this activates the Sun (Right) and Moon (Left) channels which are connected to the lower back.
- Hold this posture for 10 seconds.
- Gradually, bring your torso down and then exhale breath. This breathing technique is therapeutic.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose)
- Lie flat on the yoga mat, with your stomach on the floor.
- Feet must face downwards, while your arms must be placed beside your body.
- Gently fold your elbows and place your palms under your shoulders (closer to your floating ribs).
- Inhale and press your palms on the floor. Simultaneously, lift your knees, hips, and torso off the mat.
- Your arms should be firm and your elbows straight.
- Broaden your shoulders and look up, make sure that the knees don’t touch the floor.
- Curl your toes inwards (by putting pressure) and press them on the floor before extending them outward.
- Hold your body in this pose for a few seconds. Exhale and release.
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