Passenger jet had near miss with UFO, claim experts
Passenger jet had near miss with UFO, claim experts
Secret British Govt documents reveal how a jet almost collided with a UFO.

Melbourne: Secret British Government documents, released for the first time, have revealed details of how a commercial jet almost collided with a Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) over densely populated England.

According to the official documents, as the captain of Alitalia Flight AZ 284 began his descent into Heathrow, he saw something alarming overhead, reports the Daily Telegraph.

Shaped like a missile, the object suddenly veered across the airliner's path causing the pilot to shout “Look out!” as he attempted to avert a mid-air collision 22,000 feet above the Kent countryside.

Travelling at an estimated 280 kph, it passed less than 300 metres from the jet carrying 57 people before disappearing from radar screens, leaving the pilot and accident investigators baffled.

The documents reveal that British Ministry of Defence (MoD) staff accept that a UFO zooming above Lydd caused the near miss.

The British Civil Aviation Authority and military experts investigated the incident, which took place at 7.58 pm on April 21, 1991.

However, the encounter remained unexplained and MoD was forced to conclude that it was a genuine UFO and close the inquiry.

The close encounter is among many recounted in military UFO documents released by the National Archives.

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