Nepal King demands security for his B’day bash
Nepal King demands security for his B’day bash
King Gyanendra has asked for security from the government for his birthday celebrations.

New Delhi: Nepal's King Gyanendra has asked for additional security from the government due to threats by anti-monarchy protesters to disrupt his 60th birthday celebrations this weekend, Home Ministry sources said.

Student organisations affiliated to the eight major parties said they planned to protest the golden jubilee celebrations, which will start from Friday and last till


Some 2,000 guests have been invited for Sunday's reception.

Saturday could witness a clash of pro- and anti-King groups near the Royal Palace where Gyanendra's supporters plan to hold a rally.

Hundreds of the King's supporters are likely to start the rally from Ratnapark and move towards the Palace on Saturday as part of the King's birthday celebrations.

The pro-Maoist youth wing the Young Communist Wing, the ANNFSU (Revolutionary) and other students unions have agreed to jointly protest against the celebrations and foil the pro-King rally.

Students groups belonging to the ruling eight party alliance on Friday staged a torch rally in the heart of Kathmandu to oppose the birthday celebrations.

The ambassadors of major countries including USA and the UK have already decided to boycott the reception.

However, the Indian Embassy has not yet confirmed whether Ambassador Shiv

Shanker Mukherjee would attend the party or not.

Political leaders, ministers and lawmakers belonging to the eight party alliance have already decided to stay away from the celebrations.

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