Man commits suicide in police station
Man commits suicide in police station
Ziauddin's family alleges that he had come to register a complaint several times but the police had never taken him seriously.

New Delhi: A shopkeeper jumped off from the second floor of a Delhi Police station on Friday and killed himself.

Mohammad Ziauddin jumped off from the roof of the Mehrauli police station and ended his life. He sustained serious wounds and was rushed to AIIMS where he succumbed to his injuries.

His family alleges that Ziauddin had come to register a complaint several times but the police had never taken him seriously.

Plagued with troubles and out of sheer frustration, he decided to end his life. The fact that he managed to kill himself in a police station raises many questions.

According to his neighbours, Ziauddin was known as Mulla ji and was loved by all. He had rented a small shop in Mehrauli where he fixed punctures.

He had recently filed a suit in the civil court against his landlord and approached the police. However nobody knows what the dispute was about.

The police feel Ziauddin's depression got to him at not being able to sort out the dispute and he committed suicide.

However friends and family members say that if Ziauddin were indeed depressed, why would he choose the Mehrauli police station to end his life.

DCP South, Praveer Ranjan says, "The family has been implying negligence on the part of the police. However we are still in the initial phase of the investigation and an independent inquiry has been ordered."

The Additional District Magistrate will carry out the independent inquiry into the incident.

Those close to Ziauddin feel that by committing suicide in the police station, he had obviously wanted to prove a point.

However till the investigations are complete no one will know what prompted Ziauddin to end his life in the manner in which he did.

(With Prathna Gahilote in New Delhi)

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