HP to set up panel for timely completion of hydel projects
HP to set up panel for timely completion of hydel projects
After the completion of these projects, state government would get additional income of Rs 213 crore on account of 12 per cent free power as royalty for 12 years.

Shimla: To ensure completion of hydro-power projects in time, a committee would be set up that will monitor the ongoing projects and address the problems of delay in getting clearances. Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Wednesday directed the officials concerned to complete the hydropower projects within time bound to avoid cost escalation.

The committee headed by Chief Secretary would be in place soon to supervise and monitor the progress of all the ongoing projects and also address the problems of delay in getting various clearances, the CM said. Reviewing the meeting of Multipurpose Projects and Power (MPP) and Non-Conventional Energy Sources in Shimla, the Chief Minister expressed happiness over the increase in revised estimated hydropower potential from 23,000 MW to 27433 MW in all five major river basins.

He said that according to a recent survey, the increase in Satluj basin alone was 13331 MW as compared to 10391 MW of old survey. The Chief Minister said more than 30 projects having capacity of 2200 MW would be completed and commissioned in current financial year. After the completion of these projects, the state government would get additional income of Rs 213 crore on account of 12 per cent free power as royalty (at Rs 2.90 per unit) for first 12 years.

Besides, additional revenue of Rs 89.65 crore would be generated on account of free power sale in current fiscal, he added. The Chief Minister said 8418 MW hydro power potential had already been harnessed in the state and projects with 4233 MW potential are under execution by various agencies while projects with 2982 MW capacity have been sent for obtaining clearances while 5132 MW were in the investigation State.

He said that Directorate of Energy (DoE) was examining the Hydro Policy-2006 with a view to expedite clearances from all government agencies and departments and to avoid multiple NOCs from Gram Sabha for same project. The Chief Minister said a Hydro Projects Safety and Quality Control an Authority would be set up in DoE for monitoring safety and quality of construction for the forty years till the project was handed over to the state government.

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