Green Buildings: Advocating Productive Human Resource through Sustainable Habitats
Green Buildings: Advocating Productive Human Resource through Sustainable Habitats
A survey by International Energy Agency indicated that existing buildings across the globe contributes to more than 40% of total primary energy consumption and 24% of global Carbon Dioxide Emission.

Public Health and hygiene is the first concern in any society or locale. Health is related intrinsically with intellectual and physical development of human and hence with productivity. In the backdrop of a deteriorating environment simulated by surging pollution and facets such as global warming, the concept of Green Building is emerging on the mainstream. Construction, maintenance, operation and design of Green Buildings reinforce a sustainable environment, thereby impacting health and hygiene in a harmonious way. As the positive effects of Green Construction on health is becoming increasingly clear, its advocacy of productivity in human resource also becoming evident. Healthy body connotes a healthy mind increasing competency and hence, productivity of human resources.

Green Environment has profound impact on human as well as environmental health. Buildings and community spaces can be used as protection from diseases promoting health. Building material, designs, location and maintenance are key aspects of safety of people living in them. The modern society is largely dependable on these aspects that define lifestyle and living of people holistically. Performance of people is also a product of their localities and especially the environment. It is imperative to create a sustainable environment to ensure better human resource. Green Buildings, in this context, is the juxtaposition of every aspect that fosters healthy lifestyle.

Human performance, in present times, must be considered as important as energy performance and the increasing paradigms of technological development. A survey by International Energy Agency indicated that existing buildings across the globe contributes to more than 40% of total primary energy consumption and 24% of global Carbon Dioxide Emission. With the emergence of technological amenities, human beings seem to stray away from their actual level of competence, both mentally and physically. Prioritizing this issue is crucial and development pattern that supports human abilities to grow should be initiated, rather than rendering further depreciation of performance. For instance, obesity is considered as a byproduct of modern development. This problem can be addressed by propagating a healthy lifestyle that supports bodily fitness and physical activity. The modern enigmas of human health and chronic issues such as heart related diseases, psychological issues, panic attacks and so onare intrinsically related to eco system and environment. Only a holistic change in public lifestyle can make an impact on such conditions. Habitat that supports a sustainable environment is a pragmatic way to address this issue.

Sustainable environmental can be created through Green Building practices. The practices of green building are incorporated right from the first stage of construction. Since any construction always affects the environmental aspects of a site, the first objective of green construction is to reduce these adverse effects. Green buildings are constructed to coincide with the best possible unitization of space. Another major objective of green building is to reduce wastage of energy and resources. Methods and materials utilized in construction of Green Buildings are environmentally sound. Maintaining Environment Friendly construction is among the prime aspects of Green Buildings. Obtaining structural efficiency, water efficiency, energy efficiency, material efficiency are the objectives of these buildings. Furthermore, optimization of indoor environment, operation, maintenance and reduction of waste and toxins are the integral features. These aspects together synthesize a cumulative effect that optimizes the environment to be human friendly. Such environment promotes optimal development of human health both physically and mentally.

The aesthetics aspects of Green Building are paramount to promote human productivity. Green architecture and design offers a sustained environment, which is in harmony with nature. Such surroundings guarantee reduction of noise and thereby propagate peace of mind. This feature is substantial to induce productivity in human mind and develop quality human resources. A proportional relation exists between a peaceful mind and creativity. Natural environment supports innovation and creative thinking, which has been the backbone human civilization.

Worker Productivity is among the most important aspects of Green Building. Increased productivity and employee’s positive approach to workplace are directly correlated. Certain aspects of Green Building such as lighting, reduced pollution, proper ventilation and reduced toxins have direct impact on worker’s productivity. A research by US Green Building Council proved that level of indoor pollutants can be higher than that of outdoors by 10 times. Green buildings are healthier as they provide cleaner environment and hence, health benefits. Studies have indicated that these buildings yielded $53 to $71 per square foot back on investment over an average period of 20 years. It is also found out that industry sectors could save up to $130 Billion only by saving electricity through Green Buildings. Investment risk in these buildings is much less than conventional construction.

Organizations around the Globe are gradually adopting the concept of Green Building over traditional workspaces. Apart from optimal utilization of human resource these allows to save cost and contribute towards holistic development. Corporations such as Ford, Pepsico and so on are emerging as pioneers to adopt the idea and in realty sector; Green Building is becoming a strong USP. Many companies across the globe are now opting for Green workspaces to leverage its benefits.

(Author Pradeep Misra is Director of REPL)

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