Boycott MNCs, go swadeshi: Ramdev
Boycott MNCs, go swadeshi: Ramdev
Baba Ramdev has, in a renewed attack on multi-national companies, asked people to boycott their products.

New Delhi: Yoga guru Baba Ramdev was recently in the line of fire of the Health Ministry that served him a notice for a statement in which he "claimed that he could cure AIDS".

Taking it from there, an NGO - People's Health Organisation - threatened to sue him said that they would take legal action against Ramdev if he does not backtrack on his statement.

However, not one to be cowed down by such attacks, Ramdev has in a renewed attack on multi-national companies (MNCs), again asked people to boycott their products.

According to a report in PTI, Ramdev has alleged that MNCs are involved in exploitation of people and resources.

"Boycott all the products of MNCs, which are engaged in the loot of the country," he said at a gathering assembled for a yoga training course.

He said the Indian subsidiary of an MNC has earned crores of rupees as profit from India, but has not bothered to open even a primary school or hospital in the country. He made the remark in the presence of Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh and State Religious Affairs Minister Brij Mohan Agrawal.

"The MNC has also never helped the country at the time of wars where as corporate houses like Birla and Tata have done a lot for the country and more importantly, they keep their money within India," the yoga guru noted.

He asked his followers to use swadeshi products (products of their own country), saying even Gandhiji had emphasised on using Indian products.

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