BBC poll : Most Indians trust media
BBC poll : Most Indians trust media
Nigeria, Indonesia, India top countries where people trust the media more than the government.

London: In an international poll conducted by Globescan for the BBC, it was found that 82 per cent of Indian would rather trust the media than the government to get the truth.

The survey, which covered around 10,230 people across 10 countries over the world showed that almost 72 percent of the people over the world, follow news closely every day, with national TV at 82 percent, and national or regional newspapers at 75 percent, being the most trusted sources of news.

Surprisingly on an average only 52 percent people worldwide are said to believe the government’s words according to this survey.

The polling organisation ranked the countries worldwide on the basis of the number of votes given by people who trust media more than their governments.

On top stood Nigeria which has the highest number of people who trust media, at around 88 percent.

Second was Indonesia in terms of 'trusting the journalists' where 86 per cent of the Indonesians put their faith in the media.

India comes third in rank where 82 per cent of the people said they would rather listen to the news reporters than their politicians.

Among the other countries, Egypt, Russia, South Korea and Brazil, also showed similar results where only 30 percent of the population said that they put their trust in the government’s version of events.

Whereas putting faith in the goverment authorities is concerned , people of only three countries-59 percent in the US, 47 percent in UK and 43 per cent in Germany said that they trust government higher than the media.

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