THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In the CBSE Class XII results announced the other day, Christ Nagar CBSE School, Thiruvallom, registered a 100..
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In the CBSE Class XII results announced the other day, Christ Nagar CBSE School, Thiruvallom, registered a 100 percent pass. Out of 66 students who appeared for the examination, 53 students got distinction and the remaining 13 students in first class. Bima A Maheen is the school topper with 95.4 percent marks while Deepak Dev Viswan close behind with 94.6 percent marks. The average marks of the school this year is 82.5 percent. As many as 13 students scored above 90 percent marks. Students of Sree Narayana Public School, Gurudevapuram, in the district also has come out in flying colours in the Class XII CBSE examination.
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