How To
How to Wear a Tie if You're a Woman
Neck ties aren’t just for men—they’re a great way to add a little moxie to your look. If you’ve never worn one before, you’ll need to know some style basics beyond how to tie a neck tie. Building a look and avoiding neck tie faux pas will make sure you le...
How to Dispose of Roundup Weed Killer
Roundup is a pesticide that helps to kill weeds and grass in your lawn. If you bought too much or didn’t use up what was in the canister, you may have some left over that you need to get rid of. To safely dispose of Roundup, read the instructions on the c...
How to Fix a Gaping Shirt
A gaping shirt can be super annoying and may make you feel unprofessional. Fortunately, you have several options for fixing it! If you’re in a pinch, use a quick fix to solve your fashion faux pas temporarily. Alternatively, sew on a snap or hook-and-eye...
How to Stop OCD Rituals
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a condition that causes a pattern of persistent, unwanted thoughts or fears. In response to these obsessive thoughts, you might feel an overwhelming urge to perform certain actions, like washing your hands several...
How to Keep Clothes Smelling Fresh
It's frustrating to wash your clothes, dry them, and find that they smell. For clothes that stay fresh smelling even days after you've washed them, make a few simple changes to your laundry routine. Start by removing odors from your clothes and dry them i...
3 Easy Ways to Clean a Rubber Gym Floor
So you just finished a tough workout, but how can you clean up the sweat, dirt, and other residue stuck on your rubber gym floor? Whether you're cleaning up your home gym or a commercial gym, it's important to clean the floors so they don't get damaged or...
How to Work a Night Shift and Stay Healthy
Working a night shift can be tough. Even if you aren’t working more hours than you normally would during the day, being up all night throws off your body’s natural rhythms, making it hard to get the sleep you need and have energy while you work. That’s wh...
How to Maintain Privacy and Dignity when Providing Personal Care
Personal care is a valuable service that many individuals need to live healthy and productive lives. While it’s easy to view this job as a series of tasks, it’s important to remember that, above all else, you’re offering a service. To help your charge fee...
How to Treat a Blister on Your Heel
Blisters on your heel can be painful, but they're very common. They're typically created by friction from your shoes rubbing against your skin, and ill-fitting or brand-new shoes are most often to blame. If you’ve gotten a blister on your heel, try coveri...
How to Build a Wall Bed
A wall bed, also called a Murphy bed, is a bed that folds up into a cabinet to make more space in a room. Pre-made wall beds are expensive—they can cost several thousand dollars. Building your own, however, costs a fraction of that price. This is a compli...
How to Stop a Cat from Peeing on the Floor
Litter box problems with cats are not unusual and can be the result of several issues. If your cat has started to pee on the floor instead of in the litter box, try scooping the litter more often, using a different brand or type of litter or litter box, o...
How to Apply Vinyl Stickers
Vinyl stickers, otherwise known as decals, are fun ways to decorate your window, car, laptop, and other sturdy surfaces. First, wipe down the surface of your choice to get rid of any dirt and dust. After peeling off the backing paper, place the sticker on...
How to Feed a Baby Sparrow
If you find a baby sparrow that appears abandoned, you can take it into your home and feed it. Many wildlife refuges and concerned people care for injured and orphaned sparrows until they are old enough to fly. Before attempting a feeding, check the sparr...
How to Treat a Foot Burn
Whether you were walking around barefoot and stepped on something hot or spilled something in the kitchen, burns on the foot can be painful and inconvenient. Luckily, you can treat them effectively by following some simple steps. Apply the same first aid...
How to Hang a Shower Curtain Rod
There are basically 2 types of shower rods. Tension rods are easy to install and don’t require any tools or hardware. These rods can be twisted into place and easily adjusted. Mounting rods rely on adhesive or screws to mount the brackets that hold the ro...
How to Give System Permissions for Apps on MacOS Catalina
Starting with macOS 10.14 Mojave, Apple has introduced a new security feature that ensures third-party applications work safely with your data and system features. This means that you need to grant all third-party apps permission to access your system fe...