How To
How to Build a Dog Ramp
A ramp can be a huge help for any dog having trouble handling steps, getting into the car, or climbing furniture. Although you can buy dog ramps from stores, they are relatively simple to make at home out of plywood and wood boards. With a few tools, you...
How to Make Your Scalp Stop Itching
An itchy scalp can be very annoying, and also embarrassing, because many people believe that an itchy scalp is a sign of bad hygiene. While it may be the case that your itchy scalp is caused by lack of washing, there are a multitude of other reasons your...
How to Get Veins to Pop Out
You can force your veins to pop out quite easily just by cutting off your circulation. If you want veins that bulge on a day-to-day basis, however, that'll be a bit more of a challenge. Whether you're looking to freak out your friends or getting ready for...
How to Freeze Your Credit
If your Social Security number or other identity information, such as your driver's license, has been compromised, you are at risk of identity theft. With this basic information, a thief can get credit and rack up debt in your name. One way to prevent thi...
How to Light a Charcoal Grill
It’s summertime and you’re at the charcoal grill, feeling the pressure of cooking meat and vegetables to perfection for your family and friends. The first step is to figure out how to get the fire going, preferably without scorching yourself in the proces...
How to Grow Broccoli Sprouts
Broccoli sprouts are packed with nutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Many grocery stores and health food stores carry broccoli sprouts, but you can also grow your own. The process invol...
How to Grout a Tile Floor
After tile is installed, the next step is grouting the gaps between tiles. This task is less time-consuming and labor intensive than installing tile, but it's even more important than making sure all your tiles are straight and look nice. Doing a proper g...
How to Check the Status of Your Tax Refund
If you are due money back on your federal or state taxes, you'll want to know when you can expect that refund check or direct deposit to arrive. If asking about a tax return filed with the United States federal government, you can check either online (www...
How to Change an Oxygen Sensor
The first indication of a problem with your vehicle’s oxygen sensor is often when the “check engine” light comes on. Failing sensors cause jerky movements, trouble starting, and reduced fuel efficiency if they aren't replaced. Oxygen sensors are necessary...
How to Roast Raw Almonds
Almonds are a healthy snack containing plenty of vitamins and minerals, like magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium, and iron. When they're roasted, not only are they good for you, they're also delicious. Make them in the oven or, if you're short on time, roa...
How to Decorate a Kitchen
The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in a house; it is where meals are cooked and where family converge and hang out. There are many ways to add decorations to a kitchen and make it inviting and warm. Here are some tips on how to decorate yours!
How to Make Stepping Stones
Creating a stepping stone pathway in your yard or garden can be a necessary part of landscaping as well as a form of self-expression. Although there are many ways to create yard and garden pathways, making your own stepping stones is a fun project that ca...
How to Fix Achilles Tendonitis
Tendons are the tissue that attach muscles to bones that make movements possible. Your Achilles tendons connect the muscles in your calves to the heel bones in your lower legs. Achilles Tendinitis (or tendinopathy) is a condition in which the Achilles ten...
How to Remove Gum from Carpet
Many people enjoy chewing gum as flavorful treat to exercise the jaw, eliminate boredom, and even help quit smoking. Unfortunately, gum sometimes ends up where it's not supposed to be, like your carpet. If you discover a sticky situation hiding in your ca...
How to Release a Penis Caught in a Zipper
Accidents happen, right? But when it involves your private parts it is not only painful but slightly embarrassing as well. Although getting the penis entrapped in a zipper is most common in boys aged 2-12 years old, it can happen in all ages. According to...
How to Use a Food Processor
Food processors can be used to blend soups, salsa, dips, and sauces. Additionally, they can save time by quickly chopping, slicing, or shredding a variety of vegetables, fruits, and hard cheeses. First, assemble the food processor and attach the blade. Th...