The Best Ways to Add Papaya Seeds to Your Diet
The Best Ways to Add Papaya Seeds to Your Diet
The next time you slice into a colorful papaya, don't discard its tiny round seeds! Believe it or not, these little morsels are tasty, easy to prepare, and can add medicinal properties to practically any dish.[1]
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In this article, we’ll teach you how to eat, dry, and grind papaya seeds to improve your intestinal health and boost your daily dose of vitamins. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a spoon, and let’s get scooping!
Things You Should Know
  • Add a spoonful of raw, fresh papaya seeds to a smoothie, salad, or marinade for an extra kick of flavor and antioxidants.
  • Combine raw papaya seeds with rice or apple cider vinegar to make a vitamin-packed salad dressing or hot sauce.
  • Dry papaya seeds in a 150 °F (66 °C) oven for 2 to 4 hours to make a powder that can be used in place of ground pepper or cinnamon.

Enjoying Raw Papaya Seeds

Make a smoothie with 1 tbsp (15 g) of papaya seeds. Although papaya seeds can make a smoothie more bitter, the seeds are full of nutrients. Even the smallest amount can help pack your smoothie with heart-healthy vitamins, protein, and fiber. Try making this tropical smoothie with them: 1 c (225 g) of pineapple chunks 1 c (225 g) of papaya chunks 1 US tbsp (0.062 c) of raw papaya seeds 1 tsp (0.021 c) of fresh ginger ⁄2 c (120 ml) of water ⁄2 c (120 ml) of coconut milk 3 to 4 ice cubes Honey to your taste

Scatter raw papaya seeds over food for a spicy garnish. Throw 2 or 3 seeds on salads, soups, roasted meats, or grilled vegetables before serving. This is a great way to include more papaya seeds in your diet and elevate your dishes. Top off a Cobb salad with papaya seeds to add extra flavor and texture. Sprinkle papaya seeds on a baked ham or teriyaki pork for a spicy garnish. Toss some papaya seeds over a bowl of green papaya soup for a deeper flavor. Keep the raw seeds whole or partially crush them so they’re easier to eat.

Blend papaya seeds to make salad dressing. Believe it or not, papaya seeds can turn an otherwise drab salad into something fabulous! Combine these ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth to create a sweet-tart Hawaiian-inspired dressing: ⁄3 c (79 ml) of rice vinegar ⁄3 c (79 ml) of canola oil ½ of a small sweet onion 1 US tbsp (0.062 c) of honey ⁄2 tsp (0.010 c) of salt ⁄2 tsp (0.010 c) of dry mustard 2 US tbsp (0.12 c) of papaya seeds

Make a flavorful marinade with papaya seeds for chicken, steak, or pork. Papaya seeds can add a delectably tart flavor to your favorite cut of meat. Simply combine the ingredients below, place the meat in the marinade for 1 to 24 hours, grill, and enjoy! Seeds from 1 large papaya 1 clove of minced garlic ⁄4 c (59 ml) of coconut cream 2 US tbsp (0.12 c) of chopped cilantro 1 US tbsp (0.062 c) of minced ginger Zest of 1 lemon and lime

Mix papaya seeds with vinegar and spices to make hot sauce. Why use ordinary hot sauce when you can use tropical hot sauce? When combined with the right ingredients, papaya seeds can replace sriracha or tabasco sauce in many dishes. Blend these ingredients until you have a smooth, drizzable sauce: 6 US tbsp (0.37 c) of papaya seeds 4 US tbsp (59 ml) of apple cider vinegar ⁄2 tsp (0.010 c) of salt ⁄2 tsp (0.010 c) of honey 1 garlic clove ⁄4 tsp (0.016 c) of horseradish (for extra spice)

Drying Papaya Seeds

Cut a papaya in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Place a ripe, washed papaya on a cutting board and use a chef's knife to slice it in half lengthwise. Then, use a spoon to gently scoop out all of the seeds from each half. You can tell a papaya is ripe if the skin is turning yellow and the fruit is slightly soft.

Rinse the seeds under cold water. Place the seeds in a fine-mesh strainer and run cold water over them. Rub the seeds gently between your fingers to help wash away the sticky membrane. Keep rinsing until the seeds are no longer sticky. Double-check that all membranes are removed from the seeds; otherwise, your seeds may spoil faster.

Preheat the oven to 150 °F (66 °C) and spread the seeds on a baking sheet. Lay a piece of parchment paper on a rimmed baking sheet and scatter your papaya seeds on it. Keep the seeds in an even, single layer to help them dry faster. Parchment paper isn’t absolutely necessary, but it can help prevent your seeds from sticking to the baking sheet.

Bake the papaya seeds for 2 to 4 hours. Put your prepared baking sheet in the preheated oven. Let the seeds bake for at least 2 hours or until they’re hard and wrinkled. If you prefer, you could use a dehydrator. Just check the owner’s manual to see how long common seeds take to dehydrate.

Using Ground Papaya Seeds

Grind the seeds with a mortar and pestle. Once the seeds have baked and cooled, place them in a mortar and crush them with a pestle until they're a fine powder. If you don’t have a mortar and pestle, place your seeds in a spice grinder or small blender. Make sure your seeds are completely cool before grinding; otherwise, your powder may turn into a paste. As long as your ground seeds stay dry, they can be stored for up to several years in an airtight container until mold is visible.

Use ground papaya seeds in place of ground black pepper. Ground papaya seeds have been proven to aid digestion and intestinal health, so why not try sprinkling this magical powder on your meals? Simply swap your ground pepper with ground papaya seeds while cooking for a uniquely tropical flavor profile. Add a pinch of ground papaya seeds to salads, soups, or meats. Pair your ground papaya seeds with a sprinkle of sea salt to enhance their spicy flavor.

Mix ground papaya seeds with spices to make a flavor rub. Papaya seeds can add a bitter and bold flavor to a dry rub. Simply combine equal parts of the ingredients below and massage the blend into steaks, chicken breasts, pork chops, or ribs before cooking. Ground dried papaya seeds Cayenne pepper Sea salt Garlic powder

Bake with ground papaya seeds. This dried and ground tropical seed can be used similarly to cinnamon and nutmeg in muffins, breads, and other baked goods. All you have to do is substitute a spice in a favorite recipe with ground papaya seeds to experiment with a new flavor. Papaya seeds have a delightfully spicy flavor, so try adding them to savory biscuits or sourdough breads.

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