How to Stop Diarrhea in Toddlers
How to Stop Diarrhea in Toddlers
Diarrhea is no fun for you or your toddler. In most cases, diarrhea will go away on its own after a few days, but there are some things that you can do to support your child’s recovery. Ensuring that your child stays hydrated is the highest priority, since kids are more prone to dehydration. But you can also make changes to your child’s diet and seek help from your pediatrician to determine the cause of your child’s diarrhea.

Treating Your Toddler's Diarrhea

Give your child plenty of fluids. Because it is easy for kids to become dehydrated, making sure that your child gets enough fluid is the best thing you can do when she is suffering from a bout of diarrhea. Do not hydrate her with water alone — your child will need to replenish sodium, potassium, and other nutrients lost through diarrhea.Instead, look for oral rehydration solutions (ORS), such as Pedialyte. Make sure you speak to your doctor about how much and for how long you should give your child an ORS. ORSs are available in most drug stores. Do not try to make your own solution unless your pediatrician gives you a precise recipe. Do NOT use sports drinks, sodas, or even juice. The high sugar content in these beverages can make diarrhea worse.

Feed your child foods that you know he can tolerate. Stick to foods that you know won’t cause a problem for your child and do not try to introduce your child to any new foods while he has diarrhea, either. The main things to avoid are high sugar foods and beverages because these can make diarrhea worse. Avoid giving your child anything that has caused problems for him in the past. If you feed your child something and it seems to make his diarrhea worse, then do not offer your child that food again.

Put your child on the BRAT diet. To stop diarrhea, it is also important to increase your child’s fiber intake. Fiber helps to solidify the stool. One good way to ensure that your toddler is getting enough fiber is to use the BRAT diet. BRAT stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast (use whole grain bread to make the toast). BRAT diet foods are unlikely to cause a problem unless your child has a food allergy or sensitivity to one of them. In that case, omit one of the foods or modify the food so that your child can have it. For example, if your child has a sensitivity to gluten, then give your child gluten-free bread instead of wheat bread.

Offer your child some yogurt. Yogurt may also help stop diarrhea in your toddler by rebalancing the bacteria in your child’s gut. Give your child whatever flavor of yogurt she will eat, just make sure that the yogurt contains “live cultures.” Live cultures provide the healthy gut bacteria that your child needs to maintain normal bowel function. You can also use popsicle forms to make frozen yogurt popsicles if you think your child will like these better.

Try increasing the fat in your child’s diet. In some cases, increasing your child's fat intake may help stop diarrhea. Try offering your child some more healthy high fat foods. Some good options include: Olive oil Butter Cheese Whole fat milk (however, you may wish to avoid dairy products if your child is having a lot of diarrhea)

Getting Medical Help for Your Toddler

Take your child to see your pediatrician. If your toddler’s bowel movements suddenly increase or change consistency, then he probably has diarrhea. Diarrhea can often be treated at home, but it is a good idea to make an appointment for your child to see a pediatrician. Some forms of diarrhea may be caused by food sensitivities, infections, or other conditions that require medical treatment.

Decide if your child’s diarrhea is acute. Acute diarrhea is a bout of diarrhea that lasts for less than two weeks. Acute diarrhea is the most common form of diarrhea in children and it may be due to: Bacterial or viral infections or inflammation Antibiotic use Food sensitivities Food allergies Food “poisoning”

Ask about probiotics. If your child's diarrhea is prolonged or the result of antibiotics, ask your doctor about probiotics. It may be necessary to rebuild the good bacteria in your child's intestines to prevent further illness. The type of probiotic depends on why your child has diarrhea, as not all probiotics can help diarrhea, and not all types of diarrhea are helped by probiotics. Your doctor may recommend strains such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus reuteri, or Saccharomyces boulardii, or possibly even a combination.

Consider whether your child’s diarrhea may be chronic. Chronic diarrhea is any bout of diarrhea that lasts for more than two weeks. Chronic diarrhea may be caused by: Dietary factors Infections Celiac disease Inflammatory bowel disease

Call your physician if you notice signs of dehydration. If your child does not improve within two to three days, call your physician. If your child is showing any signs of dehydration, call your physician right away. If you can’t reach your physician and you see these signs, take your child to urgent care or the emergency room. Call 911 or emergency services only if symptoms are severe. Signs of dehydration in infants, toddlers and children include: Sunken-looking eyes Weight loss Infrequent urination or dry diapers Vomiting Fever over 101°F (38.3°C) Crying without any tears Dry or sticky mouth or tongue Lethargy or excessive sleepiness Increased irritability

Take your child to an emergency room if you notice serious symptoms. There are a few other “red flags” to watch for if your child has diarrhea. If you notice any of these symptoms, then take your child to the emergency room right away. These serious symptoms include: Bloody stools A high fever along with vomiting or diarrhea Extreme vomiting A distended, enlarged, or tender abdomen Pale skin and/or tiny red, round spots on the skin Severe or persistent pain in the abdomen, especially on the right side

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