Grevilleas are not necessarily easy to propagate but give it a go and you might like the results. Here is what to do.[1]
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Research source
Make cuttings of about 10 centimeter (3.9 in) in length. Choose firm, semi-ripe shoots. This can be done during summer or early autumn.
Dip the cuttings into root growth hormone.
Fill a container with pumice or coarse sand. Place the cuttings into this container.
Water gently and sparingly. It is important not to overwater the cuttings.
Keep the cuttings away from direct sunlight. Keep inside a sheltered plastic container if it's cold.
Use a spray mister to finely mist the cuttings regularly.
Be patient. It'll be at least six months before you see any signs of roots; even then, it may not have been successful.
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