Examine your own motivations. Labeling somebody as an addict is a serious accusation, so be sure that you are being fair with yourself and your boyfriend before doing so. Why do you worry about the amount of time he spends playing video games? Is it because he neglects other things? Or is it because you feel neglected?
Be aware that addictions, if they exist, can strike anybody, young and old, male and female. Although many men do play video games, it sure isn't like women do not.
Be aware that there are experts on both sides of the fence on this subject. Part of the controversy is that there is no biological component to video game addiction, unlike most substance addictions. Therefore the parallel most often used is to compulsive gamblers.
Decide if you think he is addicted or just enjoys gaming. While it is fine to enjoy video games, too much playing can lead a person to neglecting many key aspects of life and having an unhealthy lifestyle in general. Diagnosing an addiction is beyond the scope of this article, but there are some common sense guidelines you can follow: Playing the game for more than 4 to 5 hours a day. Becoming irritable or withdrawn without access to the game. A steady increase in use over a period of time, addicts need more and more of their “substance” to feed cravings. Lying to friends and family to conceal gaming Falling asleep in school because of missed sleep due to the game Not keeping up with assignments. Worsening grades. Dropping out of other social groups (clubs or sports). Irritable when not playing a video game or on the computer.
Look for physical signs of too much video gaming including: Carpal tunnel syndrome. Sleep disturbances
Talk to him. Whether you believe he is addicted or just enjoys gaming his game use is clearly bothering you. The first step is to sit down with him and tell him how you feel. If you don't really think he is addicted tell him how his playing makes you feel neglected, or however it makes you feel. If you do think he is addicted, tell him why you think so.
Try to reach a compromise. Perhaps you can play together for a while, and then do something you would prefer to do. Perhaps there are different games you can try that you would enjoy more than online role playing.
Seek help before doing anything else. Seek out online support organizations that cater to the loved ones of people who play too video games too much. These include Widows of Warcraft and others, some links are provided below. Read some books on the subject. Links are provided below. Talk to your boyfriend's friends, your parents and possibly even his parents, to see if they agree with you. With the help of adults make preliminary contact with a counselor. Treatment typically includes behavioral therapy, anti-depressants and Zyban, a prescription drug used by smokers to kick the tobacco habit.
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