Catch Nosepass. Nosepass is available in the following areas, depending on which game you are playing: Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire: Rock Smash in Granite Cave. FireRed/LeafGreen/Colloseum/Black/White: Trade XD: Pyrite Colosseum, Realgam Colosseum, Shadow Poké Spots Diamond/Pearl: Swarm on Route 206. Platinum: Mt. Coronet. HeartGold/SoulSilver: Safari Zone. Pal Park: Mountain. Black 2/White 2: Chargestone Cave, Clay Tunnel, Underground Ruins, Hidden Grotto on Route 6. Dream World: Icy Cave 4. X/Y: Horde Encounter on Route 10, the Rock in Friend Safari. Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon: Akala Outskirts.
Go to an area with a special magnetic field. Special magnetic fields can be found in the following locations: Sinnoh, Mt. Coronet. Unova, Chargestone Cave. Hoenn, New Mauville. (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire). Alola, Blush Mountain (Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon), and Vast Poni Canyon.
Level up your Nosepass. Level your Nosepass up in an area that contains a special magnetic field to evolve Nosepass into Probopass. Even though there is a special magnetic field produced by the Kalos Power Plant, Nosepass cannot evolve in this area. There is no special magnetic field in HeartGold or SoulSilver. The only way to get Probopass in these games is through trade.
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