Thinking of comic characters is really difficult if you're the type who just wants to draw. But don't worry, because you don't have to make the most detailed comic character ever, you can just do it in a simple way that people can like! It can be as simple as a human's head - in a spiders body! Or maybe a random character who that always has his face blocked by something! You just have to let your imagination run wild, and come up with the strangest or coolest characters.
Sketch a circle for the head.
Then, draw an oblong attached to the head.
Sketch a vertical oblong for the body.
Sketch the extremities and the neck as lines showing the cartoon character’s position.
Sketch 4 lines in the face as guidelines for the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Draw the cheeks.
Draw the eyes, mouth, and ears. Experiment on the expressions shown through these facial parts.
Draw the hair as you like. You can also experiment on this.
Then draw the body and the clothes that you like the character to have.
Erase the draft lines.
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