Drawing Simple Graffiti
Draw the outline sketch for the letters in pencil.
Add actual lines for the graffiti designs on the letters. Most graffiti designs are connected, intersecting or on top of one part of the other.
Fill in the basic colors.
Add darker tone on the graffiti colors.
Add more details by drawing a design on the graffiti. You can choose any design that you want. Metallic, balloon, fluffy, gummy, and so on. I chose drawing cracked lines on the sample.
Add the cast shadow to complete the graffiti.
Creating Complex Graffiti Design
Draw the outline sketches for the letters.
Add the actual lines for the graffiti designs on the letters. Draw pointed lines intersecting the others.
Erase the unnecessary lines.
Fill in the basic color.
Add the highlights and shadows.
Instead of adding shadows, choose a bright color that is contrasting the colors of the letters. Graffiti colors almost always have contrasting colors. However, you can also use colors that complement each other.
Add more designs on the background to finish the graffiti.
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